List of SPHINXTODOs in the MoinMoin documentation, and the action taken for each


SPHINXTODO The following css is needed to display formatted text correctly

Added required CSS to make underline/strikethrough/subscript/superscript work correctly


Restructured Text cannot be both bold and italic. This is because bold and italic are simply treated as different levels of emphasis. It should be noted that this is a problem with the spec rather than Sphinx or Moin itself.

It *can* be bold and italic, so I added a CSS rule for the "bolditalic" class.


The tables are missing borders despite the fact that the rst markup is correct.

This was intentional on the part of the default Sphinx theme designer, but it makes it difficult to illustrate the result of table markup in the markup parser docs, so I added a couple of CSS rules to make sure that table cells had borders on all sides.

even the base level item has to have a space in the begining

While not explicitly a SPHINXTODO, this comment was present in the moinwiki.rst and both uses seem incorrect because neither languages require "a space in the beginning". Changed this line to say that lists require leading and trailing blank lines, as this *is* a requirement and something which can confuse newcomers.


The tables seem to have missing borders despite of the fact that the rst markup is correct.

See above, added extra CSS.

Superscript, subscript and underline are not working in rst.

See above, added extra CSS again.

sphinx will remove the first space before every list item

If "space" means newline, then it should be noted that the spec requires a blank line before and after lists. OTOH if "space" refers to the space between the numeral/bullet and the item, I'm not sure what the problem is as it seems to work fine for me. Spaces before a line simply indent that line. Assumed it was not a SPHINXTODO but just a reference to moin wiki markup, so I did that same thing as I did for rest.rst (see above).

Moin increases the order number/roman/letter automaticaly. rst does not do any such thing, so i have to manually increase them here.

RST can do autoincrement, just use:

A. First item
#. Second item
#. Third item

and it will produce

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

The A. at the beginning just shows that uppercase latin letters are used as indices (one could also use I., 1., etc)

Left as-is because auto-enumeration is hardly useful for length-two enumerated lists.

even the base level item has to have a space in the begining

I'm not even sure what this is supposed to mean. If it refers to the newline before the first item then yes, that is part of the spec.

rst does not support percentage cell width so cell has been made long manually

Since this can't be done in RST (no width property for tables/cells), I'll change this to a NOTE

bottom align cannot be shown in rst.

Same deal, RST limitation so I'll make it a NOTE

The html required for the syntax box cannot be shown in rst

No, but Sphinx supports python syntax highlighting, which is analogous. Changed to the docs to use Python syntax highlighting.

The div cannot be shown in rst, so a table cell has been made to imitate it.

Another RST limitation. Changed to a NOTE

The Admonition cannot be shown in rst.

RST actually does have admonitions, so I changed the docs to use them.

The wiki parser section with class “comment dotted” cannot be shown in rst.

Changed to a NOTE

MoinMoin: EasyToDo/sphinx todos/TODOS (last edited 2011-12-27 13:45:23 by SamToyer)