MoinMoin Gource Video


This page describes the process used to make a visualisation of activity in the MoinMoin 2.0-dev repository, and the video produced.

What is Gource?

From their website:

Gource is a software version control visualization tool. Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre. Directories appear as branches with files as leaves. Developers can be seen working on the tree at the times they contributed to the project.

A Gource video can be used both as a tool to analyse development of a project over time and as impressive eye candy.

Process used to create the video

Note: This requires FFmpeg and Gource (tested with version 0.28) to be installed on your system.

The steps involved in creating the video are:

  1. Gource reads the Mercurial logs and outputs it's rendering to the screen and to stdout in the form of a PPM stream.
  2. The PPM stream is piped to FFmpeg, which turns the stream into a high quality video.
  3. The high quality video of Gource's output can be converted to lower quality formats for sharing or uploaded to a video sharing website in it's high definitino form.

The following command achieves steps one and two, with step three left as an exercise for the reader if it is required:

cd /path/to/moin/repo/
gource --multi-sampling -1024x768 --output-ppm-stream - --disable-progress --hide mouse -a 0.015 --camera-mode overview --logo MoinMoin/static/common/moinmoin_alpha.png --max-file-lag=0.01 --max-user-speed 2000 -s 0.15 --stop-at-end --title "MoinMoin 2.0-dev Repository - Activity Visualisation" --user-friction 0.1 --background-colour 000000 --start-position 0.35782339652293488 |  ffmpeg -y -b 3000k -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm  -i - -vcodec libvpx -b 3000K -r 25 gourcevis.mkv

This will create a video named "gourcevis.mkv" in the current directory. The arguments passed to Gource tell it to:

After this a "title" image and "credits" image were made with GIMP and placed at the beginning and end of the video using Kdenlive.

The rendered video

MoinMoin: EasyToDo/make a nice gource video from moin2/GourceVisualisation (last edited 2010-12-25 02:09:07 by ThomasWaldmann)