Deprecated Features

Meaning: Stuff we will get rid off at some time and no longer support.

CVS support

Since ancient moin versions, moin supported having the data_dir under CVS control.

Although this first sounds like a feature, it makes an ugly special case necessary:

Thus, you can't have a wiki page named "CVS" (usual work around, at least on case-sensitive systems: just call it "cvs").

Except this annoyance for wikis dealing with version control, software development, linux etc. topics, it is not nice to have such special cases.

Also, it is questionable why you would want to have your data_dir under CVS control (as moin has built-in versioning and you have backups of your important stuff just for the case...).

Even if you find some reason to have your data_dir under external version control, there would be still lots of tools much better than CVS and not needing such ugly special cases.

So does anybody mind if we just remove this "moin CVS support"? If noone speaks up here, we'll just remove it ... :)

MoinMoin: DeprecatedFeatures (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:11 by localhost)