The One Click Login Problem

The following question was posted at MoinMoinQuestions:

Embedding MoinMoin -- Automatic User Login?

I'd like to use MoinMoin as a Wiki-based knowledge base by opening an appropriate URL from inside an application. Since my application has a user database built-in, it is necessary to promote the user ID to the wiki. Provided that the MoinMoin user IDs are the same as the application's: Is it possible to embed the user ID (and, optionally, the password) into the URL of the wiki page to be shown? Thx... StefanK 14/12/2006

I needed similar functionality to hook into MoinMoin as a knowledge base. Another use for me is for a phone/email list page for my neighborhood. While I don't want to force everyone to create a user profile and login just to get to the phone number list, I also want to deny access to anonymous Internet users that might happen onto my site. I found this discussion which has the format for logging in with a one-click URL.


One-click login requires this format: 

Now I can create a standard 'guest' account and email the one-click URL. The page will be fairly safe from anonymous Internet bad people and the intended recipients have a good end-user experience.

A better place for that is below the question on MoinMoinQuestions. The content of this page should be moved to this place. You can sign there if you want. -- ReimarBauer 2006-12-30 08:32:03

Done - the answer is now in the question page -- CraigA

MoinMoin: CraigA/OneClickLogin (last edited 2007-10-29 19:20:53 by localhost)