Plan for merging index and index2

i) Merging the functionality of index2 and index

First, will replicate the file upload functionality. All the new uploaded files will be kept in a different section on page, such that they will be seen as newly added items (until the page reloads).

ii) We can put some collective action on page for the indexes,

the view could be something like this

We could have Download, Delete and Destroy actions there.

Reply : How will 'move' work ? you mean on the page, we will select some items and drop it on any other item and all those selected items will become the subitems of that item(the one on which they are dropped) ?

If no, then how ?

Reply : Yes i will put that contenttype filtering(the one at global index) here also, then we can filter and then select all.

For multiple download of files we could have something this kind of feature

For Delete/Destroy we could use ajax for that, when someone selects some items and trigger delete action, we will ask for a comment(common for all) and will call a "view" for delete function (similar to one which is called by +delete/item_name). This function will simply returns the status via json and we can hide the deleted items from page after getting a success status and display error message on failure.

MoinMoin: AkashSinha/Gsoc2011Diary/2011-07-19 (last edited 2011-07-21 07:32:45 by ReimarBauer)