Worked on contentype filtering on global index page, few questions


Few questions :

i) Do i need to create the flatland form and use that in template or the current one works ?

ii) I am directly putting all the possible contenttypes in a variable, is there any function from which i could get all of them ? (i dont think it will happen any soon, but maybe new type gets added in the wiki, which may hamper its scalability)

not sure if we have one, but it could be done in utils from e.g. mimetypes.types_map, mimetypes.common_types

iii) Any change in current placing(display) of that contenttype filtering form on the page ?



MoinMoin: AkashSinha/Gsoc2011Diary/2011-07-09 (last edited 2011-07-10 07:38:52 by ReimarBauer)