Change in view of item index page ( similar to global index)

Path for navigation added on top.

Code Review:

Issue: to determine the hassubitem flag, same lines of code is being used in both the places, so should i put it in a function, if yes then at which file ( because i dont know whether "MoinMoin/items/ is most suitable for this)

commit it with the name fix first, then add a refactoring changeset. Because we have all other _index methods currently in items located move it also with a good name to this module.

Currently when item names in path is clicked, it takes to show_item page and the first with "../" is clicked it takes back to global index page.

Screenshot :


other comments


look at get the ideas from _compare (esyr has introduced that) and add a refactoring changeset for sorting nicer alphabetically ;)

MoinMoin: AkashSinha/Gsoc2011Diary/2011-07-07 (last edited 2011-07-08 06:41:06 by ReimarBauer)