
LDAP is case-insensitive for usernames. MoinMoin is case-sensitive. Moin should get the proper case from LDAP when performing LDAP authentication.

There was some talk about this in #moin a while back:

11:09 < esk> so... LDAP usernames are usually case-insensitive, but moinmoin usernames are case-sensitive.  Would it be reasonable to have moin log you in as the username returned by an ldap query instead of the username you entered?
11:09 < esk> (I think PAM handles logins this way)
11:10 < intgr> Yeah, you should always use the canonical username for every user.
11:11 -!- starshine_away is now known as starshine
11:11 < ThomasWaldmann> esk: what's the problem with just entering the name with correct casing?
11:11 < esk> bad users ;)
11:11 < esk> they are used to the case-insensitivity
11:11 < ThomasWaldmann> so you won't have bad users on the wiki
11:11 < ThomasWaldmann> (that could be sold as a feature :)
11:12 < intgr> Well, all the bad users will be impersonating you with ThomasWaLdmann :)
11:12 < intgr> s/with/as/
11:13 < starshine> actually the flipside of that is you want them to feel like it's easy so they get hooked on wiki and make it grow.
11:14  * ThomasWaldmann looks in ldap_login src
11:14 < esk> it shouldn't take much to fix it... add an ldap_username_attribute to the config and add it to your list of attributes
11:16 < esk> in attrlist
11:16 < ThomasWaldmann> esk: it would be good to make a FeatureRequest for that and provide all details you know
11:16 < esk> okay
11:17 < ThomasWaldmann> the problem is that I don't use ldap myself, so I need rather concrete and clear requests
11:17 < ThomasWaldmann> useful information includes defaults for that lda_username_attribute (like you have it with AD, openldap, samba, whatever)
11:18 < ThomasWaldmann> esk: btw, did you try ldaps: ?
11:18 < esk> yes
11:18 < ThomasWaldmann> did it work "as is"?
11:19 < ThomasWaldmann> (btw, you can also attach a patch, if you already have done it)
11:19 < esk> it works fine if you use ldaps://ldap.server, I was trying with ldap.server and the TLS stuff
11:20 < esk> which was where I went wrong

Component selection


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version


Python Version


Server Setup


Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)


I changed the following and added 'ldap_username_attribute=sAMAccountName' in my farmconfig.

--- moin/    2007-08-08 14:24:01.000000000 -0600
+++ /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/   2007-11-10 02:43:16.000000000 -0700
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@
     login = kw.get('login')
     logout = kw.get('logout')
     user_obj = kw.get('user_obj')
+    if user_obj and
+        username = # Needed so ldap_login can change the username
     #request.log("auth.moin_cookie: name=%s login=%r logout=%r user_obj=%r" % (username, login, logout, user_obj))
     if login:
         u = user.User(request, name=username, password=password,
@@ -332,6 +334,8 @@
     login = kw.get('login')
     logout = kw.get('logout')
     user_obj = kw.get('user_obj')
+    if user_obj and
+        username =

     cfg = request.cfg
     verbose = cfg.ldap_verbose
@@ -395,15 +399,22 @@
             l.simple_bind_s(ldap_binddn.encode(coding), ldap_bindpw.encode(coding))
             if verbose: request.log("LDAP: Bound with binddn %s" % ldap_binddn)

+            possible_attrs=[cfg.ldap_email_attribute,
+                            cfg.ldap_aliasname_attribute,
+                            cfg.ldap_surname_attribute,
+                            cfg.ldap_givenname_attribute,
+                            cfg.ldap_username_attribute,
+                           ]
+            attrs = []
+            for i in possible_attrs:
+                if i:
+                    attrs.append(i)
             # you can use %(username)s here to get the stuff entered in the form:
             filterstr = cfg.ldap_filter % locals()
             if verbose: request.log("LDAP: Searching %s" % filterstr)
             lusers = l.search_st(cfg.ldap_base, cfg.ldap_scope, filterstr.encode(coding),
-                                 attrlist=[cfg.ldap_email_attribute,
-                                           cfg.ldap_aliasname_attribute,
-                                           cfg.ldap_surname_attribute,
-                                           cfg.ldap_givenname_attribute,
-                                 ], timeout=cfg.ldap_timeout)
+                                 attrlist=attrs, timeout=cfg.ldap_timeout)
             # we remove entries with dn == None to get the real result list:
             lusers = [(dn, ldap_dict) for dn, ldap_dict in lusers if dn is not None]
             if verbose:
@@ -421,12 +432,32 @@
                 return None, False # if ldap returns unusable results, we veto the user and don't let him in

             dn, ldap_dict = lusers[0]
+            if cfg.ldap_username_attribute:
+                old_username = username
+                username = ldap_dict[cfg.ldap_username_attribute][0]
+                if old_username != username and verbose:
+                    request.log("Changed username to %s." % (username,))
             if verbose: request.log("LDAP: DN found is %s, trying to bind with pw" % dn)
             l.simple_bind_s(dn, password.encode(coding))
             if verbose: request.log("LDAP: Bound with dn %s (username: %s)" % (dn, username))

-            email = ldap_dict.get(cfg.ldap_email_attribute, [''])[0]
-            email = email.decode(coding)
+            #u = user.User(request, auth_username=username, password=password, auth_method='ldap', auth_attribs=('name', 'password', 'email', 'mailto_author',))
+            user_args = {}
+            user_args['auth_username'] = username
+            user_args['auth_method'] = 'ldap'
+            user_args['name'] = username
+            # FIXME: can this be left out?
+            user_args['password'] = password
+            user_args['auth_attribs'] = ('name','password',)
+            if cfg.ldap_aliasname_attribute or cfg.ldap_surname_attribute:
+                user_args['auth_attribs'] = user_args['auth_attribs'] + ('aliasname',)
+            email = ''
+            if cfg.ldap_email_attribute:
+                email = ldap_dict.get(cfg.ldap_email_attribute, [''])[0]
+                email = email.decode(coding)
+                user_args['auth_attribs'] = user_args['auth_attribs'] + ('email','mailto_author',)

             aliasname = ''
@@ -442,10 +473,11 @@
                     aliasname = sn
             aliasname = aliasname.decode(coding)

-            u = user.User(request, auth_username=username, password=password, auth_method='ldap', auth_attribs=('name', 'password', 'email', 'mailto_author',))
-   = username
-            u.aliasname = aliasname
-   = email
+            u = user.User(request, **user_args)
+            if 'email' in user_args['auth_attribs']:
+       = email
+            if 'aliasname' in user_args['auth_attribs']:
+                u.aliasname = aliasname
             u.remember_me = 0 # 0 enforces cookie_lifetime config param
             if verbose: request.log("LDAP: creating userprefs with name %s email %s alias %s" % (username, email, aliasname))

@@ -455,7 +487,9 @@

         if u:
-        return user_obj, True # == nop, moin_cookie has to set the cookie and return the user obj
+        if verbose: request.log("LDAP: Success!")
+        if verbose: request.log("LDAP: name: %s" % (,))
+        return u, True # moin_cookie still has to set the cookie and return the user obj, but make our changes stick

         import traceback


Does this patch work for new users only or does it also fix the wrong case of already existing user names? -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-12 22:52:13

(!) A tested patch based on current 1.6 branch (either latest beta/rc or hg checkout) would be appreciated.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/LdapUsernameIssues (last edited 2007-12-02 13:39:39 by ThomasWaldmann)