Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 """
   3     MoinMoin classic theme
   5     This class can also be used as base class for other themes -
   6     if you make an empty child class, you will get classic behaviour.
   8     If you want modified behaviour, just override the stuff you
   9     want to change in the child class.
  11     @copyright: 2003 by ThomasWaldmann (LinuxWiki:ThomasWaldmann)
  12     @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
  13 """
  15 import urllib
  16 from MoinMoin import i18n, wikiutil, version
  17 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
  19 class Theme:
  20     """ here are the functions generating the html responsible for
  21         the look and feel of your wiki site
  22     """
  24     name = "classic"
  26     _=lambda x: x # dummy function for i18n
  27     icons = {
  28         # key         alt                        icon filename      w   h
  29         # ------------------------------------------------------------------
  30         # navibar
  31         'help':       (  "%(page_help_contents)s", "moin-help.png",   12, 11),
  32         'find':       (  "%(page_find_page)s",     "moin-search.png", 12, 12),
  33         'diff':       (_("Diffs"),                 "moin-diff.png",   15, 11),
  34         'info':       (_("Info"),                  "moin-info.png",   12, 11),
  35         'edit':       (_("Edit"),                  "moin-edit.png",   12, 12),
  36         'unsubscribe':(_("Unsubscribe"),           "moin-unsubscribe.png",  14, 10),
  37         'subscribe':  (_("Subscribe"),             "moin-subscribe.png",14, 10),
  38         'raw':        (_("Raw"),                   "moin-raw.png",    12, 13),
  39         'xml':        (_("XML"),                   "moin-xml.png",    20, 13),
  40         'print':      (_("Print"),                 "moin-print.png",  16, 14),
  41         'view':       (_("View"),                  "moin-show.png",   12, 13),
  42         'home':       (_("Home"),                  "moin-home.png",   13, 12),
  43         'up':         (_("Up"),                    "moin-parent.png", 15, 13),
  44         # FileAttach (is this used?)
  45         'attach':     (  "%(attach_count)s",       "moin-attach.png",  7, 15),
  46         # RecentChanges
  47         'rss':        (_("[RSS]"),                 "moin-rss.png",    36, 14),
  48         'deleted':    (_("[DELETED]"),             "moin-deleted.png",60, 12),
  49         'updated':    (_("[UPDATED]"),             "moin-updated.png",60, 12),
  50         'new':        (_("[NEW]"),                 "moin-new.png",    31, 12),
  51         'diffrc':     (_("[DIFF]"),                "moin-diff.png",   15, 11),
  52         # General
  53         'bottom':     (_("[BOTTOM]"),              "moin-bottom.png", 14, 10),
  54         'top':        (_("[TOP]"),                 "moin-top.png",    14, 10),
  55         'www':        (_("[WWW]"),                 "moin-www.png",    11, 11),
  56         'mailto':     (_("[MAILTO]"),              "moin-email.png",  14, 10),
  57         'news':       (_("[NEWS]"),                "moin-news.png",   10, 11),
  58         'telnet':     (_("[TELNET]"),              "moin-telnet.png", 10, 11),
  59         'ftp':        (_("[FTP]"),                 "moin-ftp.png",    11, 11),
  60         'file':       (_("[FILE]"),                "moin-ftp.png",    11, 11),
  61         # search forms
  62         'searchbutton': (_("[?]"),                 "moin-search.png", 12, 12),
  63         'interwiki':  (  "[%(wikitag)s]",          "moin-inter.png",  16, 16),
  64     }
  66     # ??? Why do we need stylesheet_print? the standard stylesheets
  67     # provide a print version?
  69     stylesheets_print = (
  70         # theme charset         media       basename
  71         (name,  'iso-8859-1',   'all',      'common'),
  72         (name,  'iso-8859-1',   'all',      'print'),
  73         )
  75     stylesheets = (
  76         # theme charset         media       basename
  77         (name,  'iso-8859-1',   'all',      'common'),
  78         (name,  'iso-8859-1',   'screen',   'screen'),
  79         (name,  'iso-8859-1',   'print',    'print'),
  80         )
  82     def __init__(self, request):
  83         """
  84         Initialize the theme object.
  86         @param request: the request object
  87         """
  88         self.request = request
  89         self.cfg = request.cfg
  91     def img_url(self, img):
  92         """
  93         generate an img url
  95         @param img: the image filename
  96         @rtype: string
  97         @return: the image url
  98         """
  99         return "%s/%s/img/%s" % (self.cfg.url_prefix,, img)
 101     def css_url(self, basename, theme = None):
 102         """
 103         generate the css url
 105         @param basename: the css media type (base filename w/o .css)
 106         @param theme: theme name
 107         @rtype: string
 108         @return: the css url
 109         """
 110         if not theme:
 111             theme =
 112         return "%s/%s/css/%s.css" % (self.cfg.url_prefix, theme, basename)
 114     def emit_custom_html(self, html):
 115         """
 116         generate custom HTML code in `html`
 118         @param html: a string or a callable object, in which case
 119                      it is called and its return value is used
 120         @rtype: string
 121         @return: string with html
 122         """
 123         if html:
 124             if callable(html): html = html(self.request)
 125         return html
 127     # Header stuff #######################################################
 129     def logo(self, d):
 130         """
 131         Assemble the logo
 133         @param d: parameter dictionary
 134         @rtype: string
 135         @return: logo html
 136         """
 137         if d['logo_string']:
 138             html = '<div id="logo">%s</div>' % wikiutil.link_tag(
 139                 self.request, wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(d['page_front_page']), d['logo_string'])
 140         else:
 141             html = ''
 142         return html
 144     def title(self, d):
 145         """
 146         Assemble the title
 148         @param d: parameter dictionary
 149         @rtype: string
 150         @return: title html
 151         """
 152         _ = self.request.getText
 153         html = ['<div id="title">']
 154         if d['title_link']:
 155             html.append('<h1><a title="%s" href="%s">%s</a></h1>' % (
 156                 _('Click here to do a full-text search for this title'),
 157                 d['title_link'],
 158                 wikiutil.escape(d['title_text'])))
 159         else:
 160             html.append('<h1>%s</h1>' % wikiutil.escape(d['title_text']))
 161         html.append('</div>')
 162         return ''.join(html)
 164     def username(self, d):
 165         """
 166         Assemble the username / userprefs link
 168         @param d: parameter dictionary
 169         @rtype: string
 170         @return: username html
 171         """
 172         html = '<div id="username">%s</div>' % wikiutil.link_tag(
 173             self.request, wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(d['page_user_prefs']),
 174             wikiutil.escape(d['user_prefs']))
 175         return html
 177     def navibar(self, d):
 178         """
 179         Assemble the navibar
 181         @param d: parameter dictionary
 182         @rtype: string
 183         @return: navibar html
 184         """
 185         html = []
 186         html.append('<ul id="navibar">\n')
 187         if d['navibar']:
 188             # Print site name in first field of navibar
 189             # html.append(('<li>%(site_name)s</li>\n') % d)
 190             for (link, navi_link) in d['navibar']:
 191                 html.append((
 192                     '<li><a href="%(link)s">%(navi_link)s</a></li>\n') % {
 193                         'link': link,
 194                         'navi_link': navi_link,
 195                     })
 196         html.append('</ul>')
 197         return ''.join(html)
 199     def get_icon(self, icon):
 200         try:
 201             ret = self.icons[icon]
 202         except KeyError: # if called from [[Icon(file)]] we have a filename, not a key
 203             # using filenames is deprecated, but for now, we simulate old behaviour!
 204             # please use only the icon *key* in future, not the filename any more.
 205             icon = icon.replace('.gif','.png') # no gifs any more!
 206             for i in self.icons.keys():
 207                 ret = self.icons[i]
 208                 if ret[1] == icon: # found the file name?
 209                     break
 210             else:
 211                 ret = ("", icon, "", "")
 212         return (ret[0], self.img_url(ret[1])) + ret[2:]
 214     def make_icon(self, icon, vars=None):
 215         """
 216         This is the central routine for making <img> tags for icons!
 217         All icons stuff except the top left logo, smileys and search
 218         field icons are handled here.
 220         @param icon: icon id (dict key)
 221         @param vars: ...
 222         @rtype: string
 223         @return: icon html (img tag)
 224         """
 225         if vars is None:
 226             vars = {}
 227         alt, img, w, h = self.get_icon(icon)
 228         try:
 229             alt = alt % vars
 230         except KeyError, err:
 231             alt = 'KeyError: %s' % str(err)
 232         if self.request:
 233             alt = self.request.getText(alt, formatted=False)
 234         try:
 235             tag = self.request.formatter.image(src=img, alt=alt, width=w, height=h)
 236         except AttributeError: # XXX FIXME if we have no formatter or no request 
 237             tag = '<img src="%s" alt="%s" width="%s" height="%s">' % (
 238                 img, alt, w, h)
 239             import warnings
 240             warnings.warn("calling themes without correct request", DeprecationWarning)
 241         return tag
 243     def make_iconlink(self, which, d):
 244         """
 245         Make a link with an icon
 247         @param which: icon id (dictionary key)
 248         @param d: parameter dictionary
 249         @rtype: string
 250         @return: html link tag
 251         """
 252         page_params, title, icon = self.cfg.page_icons_table[which]
 253         d['title'] = title % d
 254         d['i18ntitle'] = self.request.getText(d['title'], formatted=False)
 255         img_src = self.make_icon(icon, d)
 256         return wikiutil.link_tag(self.request, page_params % d, img_src, attrs='title="%(i18ntitle)s"' % d)
 258     def iconbar(self, d):
 259         """
 260         Assemble the iconbar
 262         @param d: parameter dictionary
 263         @rtype: string
 264         @return: iconbar html
 265         """
 266         iconbar = []
 267         if self.cfg.page_iconbar and self.request.user.show_toolbar and d['page_name']:
 268             iconbar.append('<ul id="iconbar">\n')
 269             icons = self.cfg.page_iconbar[:]
 270             for icon in icons:
 271                 if icon == "up":
 272                     if d['page_parent_page']:
 273                         iconbar.append('<li>%s</li>\n' % self.make_iconlink(icon, d))
 274                 elif icon == "subscribe":
 275                     iconbar.append('<li>%s</li>\n' % self.make_iconlink(
 276                         ["subscribe", "unsubscribe"][self.request.user.isSubscribedTo([d['page_name']])], d))
 277                 elif icon == "home":
 278                     if d['page_home_page']:
 279                         iconbar.append('<li>%s</li>\n' % self.make_iconlink(icon, d))
 280                 else:
 281                     iconbar.append('<li>%s</li>\n' % self.make_iconlink(icon, d))
 282             iconbar.append('</ul>\n')
 283         return ''.join(iconbar)
 285     def msg(self, d):
 286         """
 287         Assemble the msg display
 289         @param d: parameter dictionary
 290         @rtype: string
 291         @return: msg display html
 292         """
 293         html = ''
 294         if d['msg']:
 295             _ = self.request.getText
 296             d.update({'link_text': _('Clear message'),})
 297             clear_msg_link = u'<a href="%(script_name)s/%(q_page_name)s?action=show">%(link_text)s</a>' % d
 298             d.update({'clear_msg_link': clear_msg_link,})
 299             html = u'\n<div id="message">\n<p>%(msg)s</p><p>%(clear_msg_link)s</p></div>' % d
 300         return html
 302     def trail(self, d):
 303         """
 304         Assemble page trail
 306         @param d: parameter dictionary
 307         @rtype: string
 308         @return: trail html
 309         """
 310         html = []
 311         if d['trail']:
 312             pagetrail = d['trail']
 313             html.append('<ul id="pagetrail">\n')
 314             for p in pagetrail[:-1]:
 315                 html.append('<li><span>%s</span></li>\n' % (Page(self.request, p).link_to(self.request),))
 316             html.append('<li><span>%s</span></li>\n' % wikiutil.escape(pagetrail[-1]))
 317             html.append('</ul>\n')
 318         else:
 319             html.append('<hr id="pagetrail">\n')
 320         return ''.join(html)
 322     def html_stylesheet_link(self, charset, media, href):
 323         return ('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" charset="%s" '
 324                 'media="%s" href="%s">\n') % (charset, media, href)
 326     def html_stylesheets(self, d):
 327         """
 328         Assemble stylesheet links
 330         @param d: parameter dictionary
 331         @rtype: string
 332         @return: links
 333         """
 334         html = []
 335         if d.get('print_mode', False):
 336             stylesheets = self.stylesheets_print
 337         else:
 338             stylesheets = self.stylesheets
 339         user_css_url = self.request.user.valid and self.request.user.css_url
 341         # Create stylesheets links
 342         for theme, charset, media, name in stylesheets:
 343             href = self.css_url(name, theme)
 344             html.append(self.html_stylesheet_link(charset, media, href))
 346             # workaround for old user settings
 347             # Dont add user css url if it matches one of ours
 348             if user_css_url and user_css_url == href:
 349                 user_css_url = None
 351         # Add user css url (assuming that user css uses iso-8859-1)
 352         # ???  Maybe move to utf-8?
 353         # TODO: Document this in the Help system
 354         if user_css_url and user_css_url.lower() != "none":
 355             html.append(
 356                 self.html_stylesheet_link('iso-8859-1', 'all', user_css_url))
 358         return ''.join(html)
 360     def html_head(self, d):
 361         """
 362         Assemble html head
 364         @param d: parameter dictionary
 365         @rtype: string
 366         @return: html head
 367         """
 368         dict = {
 369             'stylesheets_html': self.html_stylesheets(d),
 370         }
 371         dict.update(d)
 373         html = """
 374 <title>%(title)s - %(sitename)s</title>
 375 %(stylesheets_html)s
 376 """ % dict
 378         return html
 380     def header(self, d):
 381         """
 382         Assemble page header
 384         @param d: parameter dictionary
 385         @rtype: string
 386         @return: page header html
 387         """
 388         dict = {
 389             'config_header1_html': self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_header1),
 390             'config_header2_html': self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_header2),
 391             'logo_html':  self.logo(d),
 392             'title_html':  self.title(d),
 393             'username_html':  self.username(d),
 394             'navibar_html': self.navibar(d),
 395             'iconbar_html': self.iconbar(d),
 396             'msg_html': self.msg(d),
 397             'trail_html': self.trail(d),
 398         }
 399         dict.update(d)
 401         html = """
 402 %(config_header1_html)s
 403 %(logo_html)s
 404 %(username_html)s
 405 %(title_html)s
 406 %(iconbar_html)s
 407 %(navibar_html)s
 408 %(trail_html)s
 409 %(config_header2_html)s
 410 %(msg_html)s
 411 """ % dict
 413         # Next parts will use config.default_lang direction, as set in the <body>
 414         return html
 416     # Footer stuff #######################################################
 418     def showtext_link(self, d, **keywords):
 419         """
 420         Assemble ShowText link (on action pages)
 422         @param d: parameter dictionary
 423         @rtype: string
 424         @return: edittext link html
 425         """
 426         _ = self.request.getText
 427         html = ''
 428         if keywords.get('showpage', 0):
 429             html = "<p>%s %s</p>\n" % (
 430                wikiutil.link_tag(self.request, d['q_page_name'], _("ShowText", formatted=False)),
 431                 _('of this page'),
 432             )
 433         return html
 435     def edittext_link(self, d, **keywords):
 436         """
 437         Assemble EditText link (or indication that page cannot be edited)
 439         @param d: parameter dictionary
 440         @rtype: string
 441         @return: edittext link html
 442         """
 443         _ = self.request.getText
 444         html = []
 445         html.append('<p>')
 446         if keywords.get('editable', 1):
 447             editable = self.request.user.may.write(d['page_name']) and d['page'].isWritable()
 448             if editable:
 449                 html.append("%s %s" % (
 450                     wikiutil.link_tag(self.request, d['q_page_name']+'?action=edit', _('EditText', formatted=False)),
 451                     _('of this page'),
 452                 ))
 453             else:
 454                 html.append("%s" % _('Immutable page'))
 455             html.append(' %(last_edit_info)s' % d)
 456             html.append('</p>')
 457         return ''.join(html)
 459     def footer_fragments(self, d, **keywords):
 460         """
 461         assemble HTML code fragments added by the page formatters
 463         @param d: parameter dictionary
 464         @rtype: string
 465         @return: footer fragments html
 466         """
 467         html = ''
 468         if d['footer_fragments']:
 469             html = ''.join(d['footer_fragments'].values())
 470         return html
 472     def searchform(self, d):
 473         """
 474         assemble HTML code for the search forms
 476         @param d: parameter dictionary
 477         @rtype: string
 478         @return: search form html
 479         """
 480         _ = self.request.getText
 481         sitenav_pagename = wikiutil.getSysPage(self.request, 'SiteNavigation').page_name
 482         dict = {
 483             'find_page_html': wikiutil.link_tag(self.request, d['page_find_page']+'?value='+d['q_page_name'], _('FindPage', formatted=False)),
 484             'navi_page_html': wikiutil.link_tag(self.request, sitenav_pagename, sitenav_pagename),
 485             'search_html': _("or search titles %(titlesearch)s, full text %(textsearch)s or") % d,
 486         }
 487         dict.update(d)
 489         html = """
 490 <form method="POST" action="%(script_name)s/%(q_page_name)s">
 491 <p>
 492 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="inlinesearch">
 493 <input type="hidden" name="context" value="40">
 494 %(find_page_html)s %(search_html)s %(navi_page_html)s
 495 </p>
 496 </form>
 497 """ % dict
 499         return html
 501     def availableactions(self, d):    
 502         """
 503         assemble HTML code for the available actions
 505         @param d: parameter dictionary
 506         @rtype: string
 507         @return: available actions html
 508         """
 509         _ = self.request.getText
 510         html = []
 511         html.append('<p>')
 512         first = 1
 513         for action in d['available_actions']:
 514             html.append("%s %s" % (
 515                 (',', _('Or try one of these actions:'))[first],
 516                 wikiutil.link_tag(self.request, '%s?action=%s' % (d['q_page_name'], action), _(action, formatted=False)),
 517             ))
 518             first = 0
 519         html.append('</p>')
 520         return ''.join(html)
 522     def showversion(self, d, **keywords):
 523         """
 524         assemble HTML code for copyright and version display
 526         @param d: parameter dictionary
 527         @rtype: string
 528         @return: copyright and version display html
 529         """
 530         html = ''
 531         if self.cfg.show_version and not keywords.get('print_mode', 0):
 532             html = ('<p>'
 533                     'MoinMoin %s, Copyright \xa9 2000-2004 by Jürgen Hermann'
 534                     '</p>' % (version.revision,))
 535         return html
 537     def footer(self, d, **keywords):
 538         """
 539         Assemble page footer
 541         @param d: parameter dictionary
 542         @keyword ...:...
 543         @rtype: string
 544         @return: page footer html
 545         """
 546         dict = {
 547             'config_page_footer1_html': self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_footer1),
 548             'config_page_footer2_html': self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_footer2),
 549             'showtext_html': self.showtext_link(d, **keywords),
 550             'edittext_html': self.edittext_link(d, **keywords),
 551             'search_form_html': self.searchform(d),
 552             'available_actions_html': self.availableactions(d),
 553             'credits_html': self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_credits),
 554             'version_html': self.showversion(d, **keywords),
 555             'footer_fragments_html': self.footer_fragments(d, **keywords),
 556         }
 557         dict.update(d)
 559         html = """
 560 <div id="footer">
 561 <div id="credits">
 562 %(credits_html)s
 563 </div>
 564 %(config_page_footer1_html)s
 565 %(showtext_html)s
 566 %(footer_fragments_html)s
 567 %(edittext_html)s
 568 %(search_form_html)s
 569 %(available_actions_html)s
 570 %(config_page_footer2_html)s
 571 </div>
 572 %(version_html)s
 573 """ % dict
 575         return html
 577     # RecentChanges ######################################################
 579     def recentchanges_entry(self, d):
 580         """
 581         Assemble a single recentchanges entry (table row)
 583         @param d: parameter dictionary
 584         @rtype: string
 585         @return: recentchanges entry html
 586         """
 587         _ = self.request.getText
 588         html = []
 589         html.append('<tr>\n')
 591         html.append('<td class="rcicon1">%(icon_html)s</td>\n' % d)
 593         html.append('<td class="rcpagelink">%(pagelink_html)s</td>\n' % d)
 595         html.append('<td class="rctime">')
 596         if d['time_html']:
 597             html.append("%(time_html)s" % d)
 598         html.append('</td>\n')
 600         html.append('<td class="rcicon2">%(info_html)s</td>\n' % d)
 602         html.append('<td class="rceditor">')
 603         if d['editors']:
 604             html.append('<br>'.join(d['editors']))
 605         html.append('</td>\n')
 607         html.append('<td class="rccomment">')
 608         if d['comments']:
 609             if d['changecount'] > 1:
 610                 notfirst = 0
 611                 for comment in d['comments']:
 612                     html.append('%s<tt>#%02d</tt>&nbsp;%s' % (
 613                         notfirst and '<br>' or '' , comment[0], comment[1]))
 614                     notfirst = 1
 615             else:
 616                 comment = d['comments'][0]
 617                 html.append('%s' % comment[1])
 618         html.append('</td>\n')
 620         html.append('</tr>\n')
 622         return ''.join(html)
 624     def recentchanges_daybreak(self, d):
 625         """
 626         Assemble a rc daybreak indication (table row)
 628         @param d: parameter dictionary
 629         @rtype: string
 630         @return: recentchanges daybreak html
 631         """
 632         if d['bookmark_link_html']:
 633             set_bm = '&nbsp;[%(bookmark_link_html)s]' % d
 634         else:
 635             set_bm = ''
 636         return ('<tr class="rcdaybreak"><td colspan="%d">'
 637                 '<strong>%s</strong>'
 638                 '%s'
 639                 '</td></tr>\n') % (6, d['date'], set_bm)
 641     def recentchanges_header(self, d):
 642         """
 643         Assemble the recentchanges header (intro + open table)
 645         @param d: parameter dictionary
 646         @rtype: string
 647         @return: recentchanges header html
 648         """
 649         _ = self.request.getText
 650         html = '<div class="recentchanges" %s>\n' % self.ui_lang_attr()
 651         html += '<div>\n'
 652         if d['rc_rss_link']:
 653             html += '<p class="rcrss">%s</p>\n' % d['rc_rss_link']
 654         html += '<p>'
 655         if d['rc_update_bookmark']:
 656             html += "%(rc_update_bookmark)s %(rc_curr_bookmark)s<br>" % d
 657         if d['rc_days']:
 658             days = []
 659             for day in d['rc_days']:
 660                 if day == d['rc_max_days']:
 661                     days.append('<strong>%d</strong>' % day)
 662                 else:
 663                     days.append(
 664                         wikiutil.link_tag(self.request,
 665                             '%s?max_days=%d' % (d['q_page_name'], day),
 666                             str(day)))
 667             days = ' | '.join(days)
 668             html += (_("Show all changes in the last %s days.") % (days,))
 669         html += '</p>\n</div>\n'
 671         html += '<table>\n'
 672         return html
 674     def recentchanges_footer(self, d):
 675         """
 676         Assemble the recentchanges footer (close table)
 678         @param d: parameter dictionary
 679         @rtype: string
 680         @return: recentchanges footer html
 681         """
 682         _ = self.request.getText
 683         html = ''
 684         html += '</table>\n'
 685         if d['rc_msg']:
 686             html += "<br>%(rc_msg)s\n" % d
 687         html += '</div>\n'
 688         return html
 690     #
 691     # Language stuff
 692     #
 694     def ui_lang_attr(self):
 695         """Generate language attributes for user interface elements
 697         User interface elements use the user language (if any), kept in
 698         request.lang.
 700         @rtype: string
 701         @return: lang and dir html attributes
 702         """
 703         lang = self.request.lang
 704         dir = i18n.getDirection(lang)
 705         return 'lang="%(lang)s" dir="%(dir)s"' % locals()
 707     def content_lang_attr(self):
 708         """Generate language attributes for wiki page content
 710         Page content uses the wiki default language
 712         @rtype: string
 713         @return: lang and dir html attributes
 714         """
 715         lang = self.cfg.default_lang
 716         dir = i18n.getDirection(lang)
 717         return 'lang="%(lang)s" dir="%(dir)s"' % locals()
 720 def execute(request):
 721     """
 722     Generate and return a theme object
 724     @param request: the request object
 725     @rtype: MoinTheme
 726     @return: Theme object
 727     """
 728     return Theme(request)

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