TwinPages between SisterWikis

TwinPages are a special case of InterWiki links that appear as OutOfLineLinks on a given page. The links point to a page with a similar name (possibly unified through WikiNameCanonicalization) on another wikis. In this way, they act as a sort of AccidentalLinking across wikis. Wikis that are linked in this way are called TwinWikis (earlier: SisterSites in the OriginalWiki) -- from MeatBall

Internal TwinPages

In the MoinMoin wikis, HelpContents/WikiName and WikiName are not treated as Internal TwinPages.

I think Internal TwinPages have to be treated like the TwinPages manner.

Update notice: TwinPages in MeatBall is now redirected to TwinPage due to the principles of WikiNameCanonicalization. Therefore the author creates here an example of a user created Twin Page, that is not necessarily dependant on the benevolence of a GodKing to install so called "SisterSites". -- FridemarPache


MoinMoin: TwinPages (last edited 2007-11-18 22:30:29 by FridemarPache)