Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 """
   3 	MoinMoin - Scilab Source Parser
   5     @copyright: INRIA 2007 by Pierre MARECHAL <>
   7 css:
   9 pre.sciarea     { font-style: sans-serif; color: #000000; }
  11 pre.sciarea span.ID       { color: #000000; }
  12 pre.sciarea span.Char     { color: #004080; }
  13 pre.sciarea span.Comment  { color: #808080; }
  14 pre.sciarea span.Number   { color: #008080; font-weight: bold; }
  15 pre.sciarea span.String   { color: #004080; }
  16 pre.sciarea span.SPChar   { color: #0000C0; }
  17 pre.sciarea span.ResWord  { color: #4040ff; font-weight: bold; }
  18 pre.sciarea span.ConsWord { color: #008080; font-weight: bold; }
  19 pre.sciarea span.ResWord2 { color: #0080ff; font-weight: bold; }
  20 pre.sciarea span.Special  { color: #0000ff; }
  21 pre.sciarea span.Preprc   { color: #804000; }
  23 """
  25 from MoinMoin.util.ParserBase import ParserBase
  27 Dependencies = []
  29 class Parser(ParserBase):
  31     parsername = "ColorizedScilab"
  32     extensions = ['.sci']
  33     Dependencies = []
  35     def setupRules(self):
  36         ParserBase.setupRules(self)
  38         self.addRule("Comment","//.*$")
  39         self.addRulePair("String",'L?"',r'$|[^\\](\\\\)*"')
  40         self.addRule("Char",r"'\\.'|'[^\\]'")
  41         self.addRule("Number",r"[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?(eE[+-][0-9])?[flFLdD]?|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?")
  42         self.addRule("Preprc",r"^\s*#(.*\\\n)*(.*(?!\\))$")
  43         self.addRule("ID","[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*")
  44         self.addRule("SPChar",r"[~!^&*()+=|\[\]:;,.<>/?{}-]")
  46         reserved_words = [ 'abort',
  47                            'apropos',
  48                            'break',
  49                            'case',
  50                            'catch',
  51                            'clc',
  52                            'clear',
  53                            'continue',
  54                            'do',
  55                            'else',
  56                            'elseif',
  57                            'end',
  58                            'endfunction',
  59                            'exit',
  60                            'for',
  61                            'function',
  62                            'help',
  63                            'if',
  64                            'pause',
  65                            'pwd',
  66                            'quit',
  67                            'resume',
  68                            'return',
  69                            'select',
  70                            'then',
  71                            'try',
  72                            'what',
  73                            'while',
  74                            'who']
  76         reserved_words2 = ['Calendar',
  77                            'ClipBoard',
  78                            'Matplot',
  79                            'Matplot1',
  80                            'NumTokens',
  81                            'PlaySound',
  82                            'StringBox',
  83                            'TCL_CreateSlave',
  84                            'TCL_DeleteInterp',
  85                            'TCL_DoOneEvent',
  86                            'TCL_EvalFile',
  87                            'TCL_EvalStr',
  88                            'TCL_ExistInterp',
  89                            'TCL_ExistVar',
  90                            'TCL_GetVar',
  91                            'TCL_GetVersion',
  92                            'TCL_SetVar',
  93                            'TCL_UnsetVar',
  94                            'TCL_UpVar',
  95                            'TCL_gcf',
  96                            'TCL_scf',
  97                            'UImenu',
  98                            'about',
  99                            'abs',
 100                            'acos',
 101                            'addcb',
 102                            'addf',
 103                            'addinter',
 104                            'addmenu_old',
 105                            'amell',
 106                            'and',
 107                            'argn',
 108                            'arl2_ius',
 109                            'ascii',
 110                            'asin',
 111                            'atan',
 112                            'backslash',
 113                            'balanc',
 114                            'banner',
 115                            'bdiag',
 116                            'beep',
 117                            'besselh',
 118                            'besseli',
 119                            'besselj',
 120                            'besselk',
 121                            'bessely',
 122                            'beta',
 123                            'bezout',
 124                            'bfinit',
 125                            'blkfc1i',
 126                            'blkslvi',
 127                            'bool2s',
 128                            'bsplin3val',
 129                            'bvode',
 130                            'c_link',
 131                            'calerf',
 132                            'call',
 133                            'cdfbet',
 134                            'cdfbin',
 135                            'cdfchi',
 136                            'cdfchn',
 137                            'cdff',
 138                            'cdffnc',
 139                            'cdfgam',
 140                            'cdfnbn',
 141                            'cdfnor',
 142                            'cdfpoi',
 143                            'cdft',
 144                            'ceil',
 145                            'champ',
 146                            'champ1',
 147                            'chartooem',
 148                            'chdir',
 149                            'chol',
 150                            'clean',
 151                            'clearfun',
 152                            'clearglobal',
 153                            'close',
 154                            'code2str',
 155                            'coeff',
 156                            'comp',
 157                            'conj',
 158                            'console',
 159                            'contour2di',
 160                            'contr',
 161                            'convstr',
 162                            'copy',
 163                            'corr',
 164                            'cos',
 165                            'cshep2d',
 166                            'ctree2',
 167                            'ctree3',
 168                            'ctree4',
 169                            'cumprod',
 170                            'cumsum',
 171                            'curblock',
 172                            'dasrt',
 173                            'dassl',
 174                            'ddeclose',
 175                            'ddeexec',
 176                            'ddeisopen',
 177                            'ddeopen',
 178                            'ddepoke',
 179                            'ddereq',
 180                            'debug',
 181                            'deff',
 182                            'definedfields',
 183                            'degree',
 184                            'delbpt',
 185                            'delete',
 186                            'delip',
 187                            'delmenu_old',
 188                            'det',
 189                            'dhinf',
 190                            'diag',
 191                            'diary',
 192                            'diffobjs',
 193                            'disp',
 194                            'dispbpt',
 195                            'dlgamma',
 196                            'dnaupd',
 197                            'dneupd',
 198                            'double',
 199                            'draw',
 200                            'drawaxis',
 201                            'drawlater',
 202                            'drawnow',
 203                            'driver',
 204                            'dsaupd',
 205                            'dsearch',
 206                            'dseupd',
 207                            'duplicate',
 208                            'emptystr',
 209                            'ereduc',
 210                            'errcatch',
 211                            'errclear',
 212                            'error',
 213                            'eval_cshep2d',
 214                            'exec',
 215                            'execstr',
 216                            'exists',
 217                            'exp',
 218                            'expm',
 219                            'eye',
 220                            'fadj2sp',
 221                            'fec',
 222                            'feval',
 223                            'fft',
 224                            'file',
 225                            'fileinfo',
 226                            'filesassociationbox',
 227                            'find',
 228                            'findBD',
 229                            'findobj',
 230                            'floor',
 231                            'format',
 232                            'fort',
 233                            'fprintfMat',
 234                            'freq',
 235                            'frexp',
 236                            'fromc',
 237                            'fromjava',
 238                            'fscanfMat',
 239                            'fsolve',
 240                            'fstair',
 241                            'full',
 242                            'funcprot',
 243                            'funptr',
 244                            'gamma',
 245                            'gammaln',
 246                            'geom3d',
 247                            'get',
 248                            'getblocklabel',
 249                            'getcwd',
 250                            'getdate',
 251                            'getenv',
 252                            'getf',
 253                            'getfield',
 254                            'gethistory',
 255                            'getio',
 256                            'getlongpathname',
 257                            'getmemory',
 258                            'getos',
 259                            'getpid',
 260                            'getscicosvars',
 261                            'getshortpathname',
 262                            'getversion',
 263                            'glist',
 264                            'global',
 265                            'glue',
 266                            'grand',
 267                            'grayplot',
 268                            'grep',
 269                            'gsort',
 270                            'gstacksize',
 271                            'handle',
 272                            'havewindow',
 273                            'help_gtk',
 274                            'hess',
 275                            'hidetoolbar',
 276                            'hinf',
 277                            'host',
 278                            'iconvert',
 279                            'ieee',
 280                            'imag',
 281                            'impl',
 282                            'imult',
 283                            'inpnvi',
 284                            'int',
 285                            'int16',
 286                            'int2d',
 287                            'int32',
 288                            'int3d',
 289                            'int8',
 290                            'interp',
 291                            'interp2d',
 292                            'interp3d',
 293                            'intg',
 294                            'intppty',
 295                            'inttype',
 296                            'inv',
 297                            'isdef',
 298                            'isequal',
 299                            'iserror',
 300                            'isglobal',
 301                            'isreal',
 302                            'kron',
 303                            'lasterror',
 304                            'ldiv',
 305                            'ldivf',
 306                            'legendre',
 307                            'length',
 308                            'lib',
 309                            'linear_interpn',
 310                            'lines',
 311                            'link',
 312                            'linmeq',
 313                            'list',
 314                            'load',
 315                            'loadhistory',
 316                            'loadwave',
 317                            'log',
 318                            'log1p',
 319                            'lsq',
 320                            'lsq_splin',
 321                            'lsqrsolve',
 322                            'lsslist',
 323                            'lstcat',
 324                            'lstsize',
 325                            'ltitr',
 326                            'lu',
 327                            'ludel',
 328                            'lufact',
 329                            'luget',
 330                            'lusolve',
 331                            'm6bandred',
 332                            'm6bmatch',
 333                            'm6busack',
 334                            'm6cent',
 335                            'm6chcm',
 336                            'm6clique',
 337                            'm6clique1',
 338                            'm6compc',
 339                            'm6compfc',
 340                            'm6concom',
 341                            'm6deumesh',
 342                            'm6dfs',
 343                            'm6dfs2',
 344                            'm6diam',
 345                            'm6dijkst',
 346                            'm6dmtree',
 347                            'm6edge2st',
 348                            'm6findiso',
 349                            'm6flomax',
 350                            'm6floqua',
 351                            'm6ford',
 352                            'm6fordfulk',
 353                            'm6frang',
 354                            'm6hamil',
 355                            'm6hullcvex',
 356                            'm6johns',
 357                            'm6kilter',
 358                            'm6knapsk',
 359                            'm6loadg',
 360                            'm6lp2tad',
 361                            'm6lp2tau',
 362                            'm6mesh2b',
 363                            'm6meshmesh',
 364                            'm6ns2p',
 365                            'm6p2ns',
 366                            'm6pcchna',
 367                            'm6permuto',
 368                            'm6prevn2p',
 369                            'm6prevn2st',
 370                            'm6prfmatch',
 371                            'm6relax',
 372                            'm6saveg',
 373                            'm6sconcom',
 374                            'm6ta2lpd',
 375                            'm6ta2lpu',
 376                            'm6tconex',
 377                            'm6transc',
 378                            'm6umtree',
 379                            'm6umtree1',
 380                            'm6visitor',
 381                            'macr2lst',
 382                            'macr2tree',
 383                            'matrix',
 384                            'max',
 385                            'maxi',
 386                            'mcisendstring',
 387                            'mclearerr',
 388                            'mclose',
 389                            'meof',
 390                            'mfprintf',
 391                            'mfscanf',
 392                            'mget',
 393                            'mgeti',
 394                            'mgetl',
 395                            'mgetstr',
 396                            'min',
 397                            'mini',
 398                            'mlist',
 399                            'mode',
 400                            'mopen',
 401                            'move',
 402                            'mprintf',
 403                            'mput',
 404                            'mputstr',
 405                            'mscanf',
 406                            'mseek',
 407                            'msprintf',
 408                            'msscanf',
 409                            'mtell',
 410                            'mtlb_mode',
 411                            'mtlb_sparse',
 412                            'mucomp',
 413                            'mulf',
 414                            'nearfloat',
 415                            'newaxes',
 416                            'newfun',
 417                            'nnz',
 418                            'number_properties',
 419                            'ode',
 420                            'odedc',
 421                            'oemtochar',
 422                            'oldbesseli',
 423                            'oldbesselj',
 424                            'oldbesselk',
 425                            'oldbessely',
 426                            'oldcontour',
 427                            'oldload',
 428                            'oldsave',
 429                            'oldxclear',
 430                            'ones',
 431                            'opentk',
 432                            'optim',
 433                            'or',
 434                            'ordmmd',
 435                            'param3d',
 436                            'param3d1',
 437                            'part',
 438                            'phase_simulation',
 439                            'plot2d',
 440                            'plot2d1',
 441                            'plot2d2',
 442                            'plot2d3',
 443                            'plot2d4',
 444                            'plot3d',
 445                            'plot3d1',
 446                            'pointer_xproperty',
 447                            'poly',
 448                            'ppol',
 449                            'pppdiv',
 450                            'predef',
 451                            'print',
 452                            'printsetupbox',
 453                            'prod',
 454                            'pvm_addhosts',
 455                            'pvm_barrier',
 456                            'pvm_bcast',
 457                            'pvm_bufinfo',
 458                            'pvm_config',
 459                            'pvm_delhosts',
 460                            'pvm_error',
 461                            'pvm_error_mode',
 462                            'pvm_exit',
 463                            'pvm_f772sci',
 464                            'pvm_get_timer',
 465                            'pvm_getinst',
 466                            'pvm_gettid',
 467                            'pvm_gsize',
 468                            'pvm_halt',
 469                            'pvm_joingroup',
 470                            'pvm_kill',
 471                            'pvm_lvgroup',
 472                            'pvm_mytid',
 473                            'pvm_parent',
 474                            'pvm_probe',
 475                            'pvm_recv',
 476                            'pvm_recv_var',
 477                            'pvm_reduce',
 478                            'pvm_sci2f77',
 479                            'pvm_send',
 480                            'pvm_send_var',
 481                            'pvm_set_timer',
 482                            'pvm_spawn',
 483                            'pvm_spawn_independent',
 484                            'pvm_start',
 485                            'pvm_tasks',
 486                            'pvm_tidtohost',
 487                            'qld',
 488                            'qpqpqp',
 489                            'qr',
 490                            'rand',
 491                            'rankqr',
 492                            'rat',
 493                            'rcond',
 494                            'rdivf',
 495                            'read',
 496                            'read4b',
 497                            'readb',
 498                            'readmps',
 499                            'readxbm',
 500                            'real',
 501                            'realtime',
 502                            'realtimeinit',
 503                            'remez',
 504                            'resethistory',
 505                            'residu',
 506                            'ricc',
 507                            'ricc_old',
 508                            'rlist',
 509                            'roots',
 510                            'round',
 511                            'rpem',
 512                            'rtitr',
 513                            'save',
 514                            'savehistory',
 515                            'savewave',
 516                            'schur',
 517                            'sci_tree2',
 518                            'sci_tree3',
 519                            'sci_tree4',
 520                            'sciargs',
 521                            'scicos_cpass2',
 522                            'scicos_debug',
 523                            'scicos_debug_count',
 524                            'scicos_time',
 525                            'scicosim',
 526                            'sctree',
 527                            'semidef',
 528                            'set',
 529                            'set_blockerror',
 530                            'set_posfig_dim',
 531                            'set_xproperty',
 532                            'setbpt',
 533                            'setenv',
 534                            'seteventhandler',
 535                            'setfield',
 536                            'setlanguagemenu',
 537                            'setmenu_old',
 538                            'setscicosvars',
 539                            'settextbackgroundcolor',
 540                            'settextcolor',
 541                            'sfact',
 542                            'sfinit',
 543                            'show_window',
 544                            'showalluimenushandles',
 545                            'sident',
 546                            'sign',
 547                            'simp',
 548                            'simp_mode',
 549                            'sin',
 550                            'size',
 551                            'slash',
 552                            'sleep',
 553                            'sorder',
 554                            'sort',
 555                            'sparse',
 556                            'spchol',
 557                            'spcompack',
 558                            'spec',
 559                            'spget',
 560                            'splin',
 561                            'splin2d',
 562                            'splin3d',
 563                            'spones',
 564                            'sqrt',
 565                            'stacksize',
 566                            'str2code',
 567                            'strcat',
 568                            'strindex',
 569                            'string',
 570                            'strsplit',
 571                            'strsubst',
 572                            'subf',
 573                            'sum',
 574                            'svd',
 575                            'symfcti',
 576                            'syredi',
 577                            'tan',
 578                            'testmatrix',
 579                            'timer',
 580                            'tlist',
 581                            'tohome',
 582                            'tokens',
 583                            'toolbar',
 584                            'toprint',
 585                            'tr_zer',
 586                            'tril',
 587                            'triu',
 588                            'type',
 589                            'typename',
 590                            'uint16',
 591                            'uint32',
 592                            'uint8',
 593                            'ulink',
 594                            'unglue',
 595                            'unix',
 596                            'unsetmenu_old',
 597                            'unzoom',
 598                            'user',
 599                            'var2vec',
 600                            'varn',
 601                            'vec2var',
 602                            'where',
 603                            'whereis',
 604                            'winopen',
 605                            'winqueryreg',
 606                            'winsid',
 607                            'writb',
 608                            'write',
 609                            'write4b',
 610                            'x_choose',
 611                            'x_dialog',
 612                            'x_mdialog',
 613                            'x_message',
 614                            'x_message_modeless',
 615                            'x_print_dialog',
 616                            'xarc',
 617                            'xarcs',
 618                            'xarrows',
 619                            'xaxis',
 620                            'xchange',
 621                            'xchoicesi',
 622                            'xclea',
 623                            'xclick',
 624                            'xdel',
 625                            'xend',
 626                            'xfarc',
 627                            'xfarcs',
 628                            'xfpoly',
 629                            'xfpolys',
 630                            'xfrect',
 631                            'xg2ps',
 632                            'xget',
 633                            'xgetech',
 634                            'xgetfile',
 635                            'xgetmouse',
 636                            'xgraduate',
 637                            'xgrid',
 638                            'xinfo',
 639                            'xinit',
 640                            'xlfont',
 641                            'xload',
 642                            'xls_open',
 643                            'xls_read',
 644                            'xname',
 645                            'xpause',
 646                            'xpoly',
 647                            'xpolys',
 648                            'xrect',
 649                            'xrects',
 650                            'xs2bmp',
 651                            'xs2emf',
 652                            'xs2fig',
 653                            'xs2gif',
 654                            'xs2ppm',
 655                            'xs2ps',
 656                            'xsave',
 657                            'xsegs',
 658                            'xselect',
 659                            'xset',
 660                            'xsetech',
 661                            'xsnative',
 662                            'xstring',
 663                            'xstringb',
 664                            'xstringl',
 665                            'xtape',
 666                            'xtitle',
 667                            'zeros',
 668                            'znaupd',
 669                            'zneupd',
 670                            'zoom_rect',
 671                            'addmenu',
 672                            'delmenu',
 673                            'setmenu',
 674                            'unsetmenu',
 675                            'gmres',
 676                            'pcg',
 677                            'qmr',
 678                            'addcolor',
 679                            'black',
 680                            'bar',
 681                            'barhomogenize',
 682                            'barh',
 683                            'bode',
 684                            'clear_pixmap',
 685                            'color',
 686                            'check2dFun',
 687                            'colordef',
 688                            'checkXYPair',
 689                            'clf',
 690                            'contour',
 691                            'chart',
 692                            'contourf',
 693                            'contour2d',
 694                            'colorbar',
 695                            'dragrect',
 696                            'eval3d',
 697                            'eval3dp',
 698                            'edit_curv',
 699                            'errbar',
 700                            'evans',
 701                            'fplot3d',
 702                            'fplot3d1',
 703                            'fplot2d',
 704                            'fcontour',
 705                            'fchamp',
 706                            'fgrayplot',
 707                            'fac3d',
 708                            'fac3d1',
 709                            'fcontour2d',
 710                            'graycolormap',
 711                            'graduate',
 712                            'gcf',
 713                            'gca',
 714                            'gce',
 715                            'gdf',
 716                            'gda',
 717                            'graypolarplot',
 718                            'getPlotPropertyName',
 719                            'getLineSpec',
 720                            'getColorIndex',
 721                            'ghdl2tree',
 722                            'ghdl_fields',
 723                            'gr_menu',
 724                            'getlinestyle',
 725                            'genfac3d',
 726                            'getmark',
 727                            'getSurfPropertyName',
 728                            'getfont',
 729                            'getTitleLabelPropertyNam',
 730                            'getsymbol',
 731                            'getcolor',
 732                            'gainplot',
 733                            'hotcolormap',
 734                            'hsv2rgb',
 735                            'hsvcolormap',
 736                            'histplot',
 737                            'hist3d',
 738                            'isoview',
 739                            'jetcolormap',
 740                            'legends',
 741                            'locate',
 742                            'loadplots',
 743                            'legend',
 744                            'milk_drop',
 745                            'm_circle',
 746                            'mesh',
 747                            'nf3d',
 748                            'nyquist',
 749                            'name2rgb',
 750                            'oldplot',
 751                            'plzr',
 752                            'plot3d3',
 753                            'plot3d2',
 754                            'polarplot',
 755                            'paramfplot2d',
 756                            'pie',
 757                            'plot',
 758                            'plotframe',
 759                            'rgb2name',
 760                            'replot',
 761                            'rubberbox',
 762                            'rotate',
 763                            'square',
 764                            'sgrid',
 765                            'secto3d',
 766                            'scaling',
 767                            'sdf',
 768                            'sda',
 769                            'show_pixmap',
 770                            'scf',
 771                            'sca',
 772                            'setDefaultColor',
 773                            'sd2sci',
 774                            'setSurfProperty',
 775                            'setPlotProperty',
 776                            'surf',
 777                            'Sgrayplot',
 778                            'Sfgrayplot',
 779                            'subplot',
 780                            'setTitleLabelProperty',
 781                            'stringbox',
 782                            'titlepage',
 783                            'twinkle',
 784                            'title',
 785                            'TitleLabel',
 786                            'xsetm',
 787                            'xrpoly',
 788                            'xclip',
 789                            'xbasimp',
 790                            'xnumb',
 791                            'xbasr',
 792                            'xclear',
 793                            'xbasc',
 794                            'xlabel',
 795                            'ylabel',
 796                            'zgrid',
 797                            'zlabel',
 798                            '%3d_i_h',
 799                            'colcompr',
 800                            'coffg',
 801                            'cmndred',
 802                            'diophant',
 803                            'detr',
 804                            'derivat',
 805                            'denom',
 806                            'determ',
 807                            'factors',
 808                            'gcd',
 809                            'htrianr',
 810                            'hrmt',
 811                            'hermit',
 812                            'horner',
 813                            'invr',
 814                            'inv_coeff',
 815                            'lcmdiag',
 816                            'lcm',
 817                            'numer',
 818                            'polfact',
 819                            'pol2str',
 820                            'pol2des',
 821                            'pfactors',
 822                            'pdiv',
 823                            'rowcompr',
 824                            'routh_t',
 825                            'systmat',
 826                            'sylm',
 827                            'atanm',
 828                            'atanh',
 829                            'atanhm',
 830                            'asinm',
 831                            'asinh',
 832                            'asinhm',
 833                            'acosm',
 834                            'acosh',
 835                            'acoshm',
 836                            'binomial',
 837                            'convertindex',
 838                            'cellstr',
 839                            'cell2mat',
 840                            'coth',
 841                            'cothm',
 842                            'cotg',
 843                            'cosm',
 844                            'cosh',
 845                            'coshm',
 846                            'cat',
 847                            'complex',
 848                            'erf',
 849                            'erfcx',
 850                            'erfc',
 851                            'fix',
 852                            'factor',
 853                            'factorial',
 854                            'GLoad',
 855                            'isnan',
 856                            'isinf',
 857                            'isempty',
 858                            'inttrap',
 859                            'intsplin',
 860                            'intersect',
 861                            'interpln',
 862                            'integrate',
 863                            'intc',
 864                            'intl',
 865                            'ind2sub',
 866                            'isvector',
 867                            'iscellstr',
 868                            'interp1',
 869                            'logm',
 870                            'log10',
 871                            'lex_sort',
 872                            'log2',
 873                            'modulo',
 874                            'meshgrid',
 875                            'null',
 876                            'nextpow2',
 877                            'num2cell',
 878                            'pertrans',
 879                            'pmodulo',
 880                            'permute',
 881                            'perms',
 882                            'primes',
 883                            'squarewave',
 884                            'sqrtm',
 885                            'spzeros',
 886                            'speye',
 887                            'smooth',
 888                            'signm',
 889                            'setdiff',
 890                            'sinc',
 891                            'sub2ind',
 892                            'sinm',
 893                            'sinh',
 894                            'sinhm',
 895                            'sprand',
 896                            'toeplitz',
 897                            'tanm',
 898                            'tanhm',
 899                            'tanh',
 900                            'union',
 901                            'unique',
 902                            'vectorfind',
 903                            'adj2sp',
 904                            'ascii2string',
 905                            'apropos',
 906                            'add_demo',
 907                            'arobasestring2strings',
 908                            'add_palette',
 909                            'add_help_chapter',
 910                            'bloc2ss',
 911                            'bloc2exp',
 912                            'base2dec',
 913                            'basename',
 914                            'browsehelp',
 915                            'createfun',
 916                            'change_old_man',
 917                            'cmb_lin',
 918                            'cat_code',
 919                            'copyfile',
 920                            'calendar',
 921                            'cd',
 922                            'clipboard',
 923                            'create_palette',
 924                            'configure_msvc',
 925                            'dispfiles',
 926                            'dec2hex',
 927                            'date',
 928                            'derivative',
 929                            'dirname',
 930                            'datevec',
 931                            'dir',
 932                            'datenum',
 933                            'eval',
 934                            'excel2sci',
 935                            'evstr',
 936                            'etime',
 937                            'editor',
 938                            'edit',
 939                            'edit_error',
 940                            'expression2code',
 941                            'fscanf',
 942                            'fprintf',
 943                            'fileparts',
 944                            'fullfile',
 945                            'find_links',
 946                            'format_txt',
 947                            'formatman',
 948                            'findmsvccompiler',
 949                            'fun2string',
 950                            'get_profile',
 951                            'get_function_path',
 952                            'gethelpfile',
 953                            'getscilabkeywords',
 954                            'ged_insert',
 955                            'getshell',
 956                            'genlib_old',
 957                            'genlib',
 958                            'G_make',
 959                            'get_file_path',
 960                            'getd',
 961                            'get_absolute_file_path',
 962                            'getvalue',
 963                            'ged',
 964                            'gettklib',
 965                            'hex2dec',
 966                            'halt',
 967                            'head_comments',
 968                            'help_menu',
 969                            'haveacompiler',
 970                            'help_skeleton',
 971                            'hypermat',
 972                            'help',
 973                            'isdir',
 974                            'ilib_mex_build',
 975                            'ilib_gen_gateway',
 976                            'ilib_build',
 977                            'input',
 978                            'isfield',
 979                            'isstruct',
 980                            'iscell',
 981                            'ilib_gen_loader',
 982                            'issparse',
 983                            'initial_scicosnew_tables',
 984                            'ilib_unix_soname',
 985                            'initial_demos_tables',
 986                            'isLeapYear',
 987                            'ilib_gen_Make',
 988                            'ilib_compile',
 989                            'initial_help_chapters',
 990                            'instruction2code',
 991                            'initial_scicos_tables',
 992                            'ilib_for_link',
 993                            'justify',
 994                            'lin',
 995                            'linspace',
 996                            'ls',
 997                            'loadmatfile',
 998                            'listvarinfile',
 999                            'loaddefaultbrowser',
1000                            'listfiles',
1001                            'logspace',
1002                            'mputl',
1003                            'menubar',
1004                            'maxindex',
1005                            'matfile2sci',
1006                            'mps2linpro',
1007                            'make_help_index',
1008                            'manedit',
1009                            'm2sci_gui',
1010                            'mkdir',
1011                            'macrovar',
1012                            'mfile2sci',
1013                            'mdelete',
1014                            'ndims',
1015                            'ndgrid',
1016                            'newest',
1017                            'oct2dec',
1018                            'OS_Version',
1019                            'odeoptions',
1020                            'old2newinstr',
1021                            'projaff',
1022                            'profile',
1023                            'printf',
1024                            'pol2tex',
1025                            'perl',
1026                            'pathconvert',
1027                            'plotprofile',
1028                            'readc_',
1029                            'rhs2code',
1030                            'rmdir',
1031                            'readxls',
1032                            'ReadmiMatrix',
1033                            'syssize',
1034                            'sysdiag',
1035                            'sysconv',
1036                            'ssrand',
1037                            'ssprint',
1038                            'sprintf',
1039                            'solve',
1040                            'showprofile',
1041                            'sci2map',
1042                            'sci2excel',
1043                            'scanf',
1044                            'syslin',
1045                            'sscanf',
1046                            'sp2adj',
1047                            'stripblanks',
1048                            'sethomedirectory',
1049                            'savedefaultbrowser',
1050                            'setlanguage',
1051                            'sci2exp',
1052                            'show_startupinfo',
1053                            'savematfile',
1054                            'scitest',
1055                            'scipad',
1056                            'trisolve',
1057                            'trianfml',
1058                            'trfmod',
1059                            'tokenpos',
1060                            'texprint',
1061                            'toc',
1062                            'tic',
1063                            'typeof',
1064                            'tree2code',
1065                            'toolboxes',
1066                            'translatepaths',
1067                            'unix_x',
1068                            'unix_w',
1069                            'unix_s',
1070                            'unix_g',
1071                            'VCtoLCCLib',
1072                            'whereami',
1073                            'who_user',
1074                            'with_pvm',
1075                            'with_gtk',
1076                            'with_texmacs',
1077                            'with_tk',
1078                            'with_ocaml',
1079                            'with_modelica_compiler',
1080                            'with_lcc',
1081                            'with_atlas',
1082                            'with_javasci',
1083                            'whos',
1084                            'WritemiMatrix',
1085                            'x_matrix',
1086                            'xs2eps',
1087                            'xmltohtml',
1088                            'x_choices',
1089                            'xmlfiletohtml',
1090                            'center',
1091                            'correl',
1092                            'cmoment',
1093                            'covar',
1094                            'ftuneq',
1095                            'ftest',
1096                            'geomean',
1097                            'harmean',
1098                            'iqr',
1099                            'mvvacov',
1100                            'mvcorrel',
1101                            'meanf',
1102                            'moment',
1103                            'mean',
1104                            'median',
1105                            'msd',
1106                            'mad',
1107                            'nfreq',
1108                            'nanmeanf',
1109                            'nand2mean',
1110                            'nansum',
1111                            'nanstdev',
1112                            'nanmin',
1113                            'nanmedian',
1114                            'nanmean',
1115                            'nancumsum',
1116                            'nanmax',
1117                            'perctl',
1118                            'pca',
1119                            'quart',
1120                            'regress',
1121                            'strange',
1122                            'sample',
1123                            'samplef',
1124                            'samwr',
1125                            'st_deviation',
1126                            'stdev',
1127                            'stdevf',
1128                            'trimmean',
1129                            'thrownan',
1130                            'tabul',
1131                            'variance',
1132                            'variancef',
1133                            'wcenter',
1134                            'aff2ab',
1135                            'cond',
1136                            'companion',
1137                            'colcomp',
1138                            'coff',
1139                            'classmarkov',
1140                            'chsolve',
1141                            'chfact',
1142                            'diff',
1143                            'eigenmarkov',
1144                            'fullrf',
1145                            'fullrfk',
1146                            'gspec',
1147                            'gschur',
1148                            'glever',
1149                            'givens',
1150                            'genmarkov',
1151                            'householder',
1152                            'im_inv',
1153                            'kroneck',
1154                            'kernel',
1155                            'linsolve',
1156                            'norm',
1157                            'nlev',
1158                            'orth',
1159                            'pinv',
1160                            'projspec',
1161                            'psmall',
1162                            'proj',
1163                            'polar',
1164                            'penlaur',
1165                            'pencan',
1166                            'pen2ea',
1167                            'pbig',
1168                            'quaskro',
1169                            'rank',
1170                            'rref',
1171                            'rowshuff',
1172                            'randpencil',
1173                            'rowcomp',
1174                            'range',
1175                            'sva',
1176                            'sqroot',
1177                            'spantwo',
1178                            'spaninter',
1179                            'spanplus',
1180                            'trace',
1181                            '%asn',
1182                            'analpf',
1183                            'buttmag',
1184                            'bilt',
1185                            'czt',
1186                            'cspect',
1187                            'convol',
1188                            'chepol',
1189                            'cheb2mag',
1190                            'cheb1mag',
1191                            'cepstrum',
1192                            'casc',
1193                            'dft',
1194                            'detrend',
1195                            'eqfir',
1196                            'ell1mag',
1197                            'eqiir',
1198                            'fsfirlin',
1199                            'frmag',
1200                            'frfit',
1201                            'findm',
1202                            'find_freq',
1203                            'faurre',
1204                            'ffilt',
1205                            'fftshift',
1206                            'fft2',
1207                            'group',
1208                            'hilb',
1209                            'hank',
1210                            'intdec',
1211                            'iir',
1212                            'iirmod',
1213                            'iirlp',
1214                            'iirgroup',
1215                            'ifft',
1216                            'jmat',
1217                            '%k',
1218                            'kalm',
1219                            'lindquist',
1220                            'lgfft',
1221                            'lev',
1222                            'levin',
1223                            'lattn',
1224                            'mrfit',
1225                            'mfft',
1226                            'mese',
1227                            'pspect',
1228                            'phc',
1229                            'remezb',
1230                            'system',
1231                            'sskf',
1232                            'srkf',
1233                            'srfaur',
1234                            '%sn',
1235                            'sincd',
1236                            'trans',
1237                            'wigner',
1238                            'wiener',
1239                            'wfir',
1240                            'window',
1241                            'yulewalk',
1242                            'zpell',
1243                            'zpch1',
1244                            'zpbutt',
1245                            'zpch2',
1246                            'aplat',
1247                            'bvodeS',
1248                            'datafit',
1249                            'fit_dat',
1250                            'karmarkar',
1251                            'lmisolver',
1252                            'list2vec',
1253                            'linpro',
1254                            'leastsq',
1255                            'lmitool',
1256                            'numdiff',
1257                            'NDcost',
1258                            'pencost',
1259                            'pack',
1260                            'quapro',
1261                            'unpack',
1262                            'vec2list',
1263                            'arl2',
1264                            'arhnk',
1265                            'abcd',
1266                            'abinv',
1267                            'bilin',
1268                            'balreal',
1269                            'ctr_gram',
1270                            'contrss',
1271                            'cont_mat',
1272                            'cont_frm',
1273                            'cls2dls',
1274                            'canon',
1275                            'colregul',
1276                            'cainv',
1277                            'calfrq',
1278                            'csim',
1279                            'dt_ility',
1280                            'dsimul',
1281                            'dscr',
1282                            'des2tf',
1283                            'dbphi',
1284                            'ddp',
1285                            'equil',
1286                            'equil1',
1287                            'findR',
1288                            'freson',
1289                            'flts',
1290                            'frep2tf',
1291                            'findx0BD',
1292                            'findBDK',
1293                            'findAC',
1294                            'findABCD',
1295                            'g_margin',
1296                            'gfrancis',
1297                            'invsyslin',
1298                            'invrs',
1299                            'imrep2ss',
1300                            'inistate',
1301                            'krac2',
1302                            'kpure',
1303                            'lqg2stan',
1304                            'lqe',
1305                            'lqr',
1306                            'lqg',
1307                            'lyap',
1308                            'lincos',
1309                            'minss',
1310                            'minreal',
1311                            'markp2ss',
1312                            'obsvss',
1313                            'obsv_mat',
1314                            'obs_gram',
1315                            'observer',
1316                            'obscont',
1317                            'projsl',
1318                            'p_margin',
1319                            'pfss',
1320                            'phasemag',
1321                            'repfreq',
1322                            'rowregul',
1323                            'sysfact',
1324                            'svplot',
1325                            'statgain',
1326                            'ss2ss',
1327                            'ss2des',
1328                            'specfact',
1329                            'sm2ss',
1330                            'sm2des',
1331                            'sylv',
1332                            'ss2tf',
1333                            'st_ility',
1334                            'stabil',
1335                            'steadycos',
1336                            'scicos_simulate',
1337                            'scicos',
1338                            'time_id',
1339                            'trzeros',
1340                            'tf2ss',
1341                            'unobs',
1342                            'ui_observer',
1343                            'zeropen',
1344                            'augment',
1345                            'bstap',
1346                            'copfac',
1347                            'colinout',
1348                            'cfspec',
1349                            'ccontrg',
1350                            'dcf',
1351                            'dtsi',
1352                            'des2ss',
1353                            'dhnorm',
1354                            'entropy',
1355                            'fstabst',
1356                            'fspec',
1357                            'fspecg',
1358                            'fourplan',
1359                            'gtild',
1360                            'gfare',
1361                            'gcare',
1362                            'gamitg',
1363                            'h_inf_st',
1364                            'h_cl',
1365                            'hankelsv',
1366                            'h2norm',
1367                            'h_norm',
1368                            'h_inf',
1369                            'lqg_ltr',
1370                            'linf',
1371                            'lft',
1372                            'leqe',
1373                            'lcf',
1374                            'leqr',
1375                            'linfn',
1376                            'macglov',
1377                            'nehari',
1378                            'parrot',
1379                            'rowinout',
1380                            'ric_desc',
1381                            'riccati',
1382                            'smga',
1383                            'sensi',
1384                            'tf2des',
1385                            'analyze',
1386                            'auwrite',
1387                            'auread',
1388                            'lin2mu',
1389                            'mapsound',
1390                            'mu2lin',
1391                            'playsnd',
1392                            'soundsec',
1393                            'sound',
1394                            'wavread',
1395                            'wavwrite',
1396                            'arc_number',
1397                            'arc_graph',
1398                            'add_node',
1399                            'add_edge',
1400                            'articul',
1401                            'adj_lists',
1402                            'best_match',
1403                            'bandwr',
1404                            'convex_hull',
1405                            'con_nodes',
1406                            'check_graph',
1407                            'connex',
1408                            'circuit',
1409                            'chain_struct',
1410                            'cycle_basis',
1411                            'contract_edge',
1412                            'dist2polylines',
1413                            'delete_arcs',
1414                            'delete_nodes',
1415                            'edge_number',
1416                            'editgraph_ver',
1417                            'editgraph_node',
1418                            'editgraph_diagram',
1419                            'editgraph_arc',
1420                            'edit_graph',
1421                            'find_path',
1422                            'graph_union',
1423                            'graph_sum',
1424                            'graph_simp',
1425                            'graph_power',
1426                            'graph_complement',
1427                            'graph_2_mat',
1428                            'girth',
1429                            'ge_node_fields',
1430                            'ge_font',
1431                            'ge_draw_std_arcs',
1432                            'ge_drawarcs',
1433                            'ge_do_version',
1434                            'ge_do_paste',
1435                            'ge_do_move_region',
1436                            'ge_delete_node',
1437                            'ge_delete_arc',
1438                            'ge_clear_history',
1439                            'ge_arc_fields',
1440                            'ge_arc_coordinates',
1441                            'ge_add_history',
1442                            'ge_add_arc',
1443                            'ge_draw_loop_arcs',
1444                            'ge_getarc',
1445                            'ge_check_before_quit',
1446                            'gen_net',
1447                            'ge_do_SaveAs',
1448                            'ge_set_nodes_id',
1449                            'ge_set_arcs_id',
1450                            'ge_set_winsize',
1451                            'ge_newarc',
1452                            'ge_hilite_nodes',
1453                            'ge_hilite_arcs',
1454                            'ge_get_region',
1455                            'ge_getobj',
1456                            'ge_get_nodes_in_rect',
1457                            'ge_getnode',
1458                            'ge_get_new_window',
1459                            'ge_get_info',
1460                            'ge_drawtitle',
1461                            'ge_drawobjs',
1462                            'ge_drawobj',
1463                            'ge_do_save',
1464                            'ge_do_region2node',
1465                            'ge_do_properties',
1466                            'ge_do_move',
1467                            'ge_do_load',
1468                            'ge_do_copy',
1469                            'ge_do_copy_region',
1470                            'ge_copy_region_to_cb',
1471                            'ge_add_node',
1472                            'ge_add_node_copy',
1473                            'graph_diameter',
1474                            'graph_center',
1475                            'ge_check_names',
1476                            'ge_dig_bound',
1477                            'ge_shortcut',
1478                            'ge_help',
1479                            'ge_graph',
1480                            'ge_get_arcs_id',
1481                            'ge_enablemenus',
1482                            'ge_edit',
1483                            'ge_drawnodes',
1484                            'ge_do_zoom',
1485                            'ge_do_undo',
1486                            'ge_do_shortestpath',
1487                            'ge_do_settings',
1488                            'ge_do_select',
1489                            'ge_do_options',
1490                            'ge_do_new',
1491                            'ge_do_information',
1492                            'ge_do_find',
1493                            'ge_do_delete',
1494                            'ge_do_delete_region',
1495                            'ge_do_default_names',
1496                            'ge_disablemenus',
1497                            'ge_compute',
1498                            'ge_do_replot',
1499                            'ge_create_menus',
1500                            'ge_eventhandler',
1501                            'ge_show_new',
1502                            'ge_do_quit',
1503                            'ge_do_export',
1504                            'ge_complete_defaults',
1505                            'hamilton',
1506                            'initial_editgraph_tables',
1507                            'is_connex',
1508                            'knapsack',
1509                            'line_graph',
1510                            'load_graph',
1511                            'min_lcost_flow2',
1512                            'mesh2d',
1513                            'max_flow',
1514                            'mat_2_graph',
1515                            'metanet',
1516                            'message',
1517                            'min_weight_tree',
1518                            'min_qcost_flow',
1519                            'min_lcost_flow1',
1520                            'min_lcost_cflow',
1521                            'max_clique',
1522                            'max_cap_path',
1523                            'make_graph',
1524                            'node_number',
1525                            'neighbors',
1526                            'netwindows',
1527                            'netwindow',
1528                            'netclose',
1529                            'nodes_degrees',
1530                            'nodes_2_path',
1531                            'predecessors',
1532                            'pipe_network',
1533                            'perfect_match',
1534                            'path_2_nodes',
1535                            'plot_graph',
1536                            'qassign',
1537                            'successors',
1538                            'strong_con_nodes',
1539                            'split_edge',
1540                            'salesman',
1541                            'show_arcs',
1542                            'show_nodes',
1543                            'save_graph',
1544                            'splitfilepath',
1545                            'strong_connex',
1546                            'shortest_path',
1547                            'subgraph',
1548                            'supernode',
1549                            'show_graph',
1550                            'trans_closure',
1551                            'arsimul',
1552                            'armax',
1553                            'armax1',
1554                            'armac',
1555                            'arma2p',
1556                            'acf',
1557                            'epred',
1558                            'noisegen',
1559                            'narsimul',
1560                            'prbs_a',
1561                            'reglin',
1562                            'sdiff',
1563                            'buttondialog',
1564                            'browsevar',
1565                            'config',
1566                            'demoplay',
1567                            'editvar_get',
1568                            'editvar',
1569                            'figure',
1570                            'GetUiControlStyleName',
1571                            'GetUiControlValueType',
1572                            'GetUiControlPropertyName',
1573                            'IsAScalar',
1574                            'progressionbar',
1575                            'sciGUI_init',
1576                            'sciGUIhelp',
1577                            'TK_SetVar',
1578                            'TK_GetVar',
1579                            'TK_EvalStr',
1580                            'TK_EvalFile',
1581                            'tk_choose',
1582                            'tk_savefile',
1583                            'tk_getfile',
1584                            'tk_getdir',
1585                            'uimenu',
1586                            'uicontrol',
1587                            'winlist',
1588                            'winclose',
1589                            'waitbar',
1590                            'artest',
1591                            'BInit',
1592                            'bifish',
1593                            'boucle',
1594                            'comric',
1595                            'chaintest',
1596                            'exemple',
1597                            'finit',
1598                            'gpeche',
1599                            'gainobs',
1600                            'gaincom',
1601                            'logr',
1602                            'lotest',
1603                            'mineInit',
1604                            'obsric',
1605                            'obscont1',
1606                            'portr3d',
1607                            'portrait',
1608                            'recur',
1609                            'systems',
1610                            'test_d',
1611                            'tdinit',
1612                            'tangent',
1613                            'adderr',
1614                            'basparam',
1615                            'cla2for',
1616                            'callfun',
1617                            'cod2for',
1618                            'dclfun',
1619                            'exp2for',
1620                            'f_zeros',
1621                            'func2f',
1622                            'f_type',
1623                            'f_tan',
1624                            'f_svd',
1625                            'f_sqrt',
1626                            'f_size',
1627                            'f_sin',
1628                            'freewrk',
1629                            'f_rank',
1630                            'forparam',
1631                            'f_ones',
1632                            'f_log',
1633                            'f_eye',
1634                            'f_exp',
1635                            'f_expm',
1636                            'f_error',
1637                            'f_ent',
1638                            'f_cos',
1639                            'f_cond',
1640                            'f_argn',
1641                            'f_abs',
1642                            'f_gener',
1643                            'f_min',
1644                            'f_mini',
1645                            'f_max',
1646                            'f_maxi',
1647                            'f_norm',
1648                            'getwrk',
1649                            'getlocal',
1650                            'get2f',
1651                            'genif',
1652                            'gencall',
1653                            'isnum',
1654                            'ins2for',
1655                            'indent',
1656                            'indentfor',
1657                            'lin2for',
1658                            'modlst',
1659                            'mltopsfor',
1660                            'makeargs',
1661                            'num2f',
1662                            'newlab',
1663                            'outname',
1664                            'op2for',
1665                            'str2f',
1666                            'setparam',
1667                            'sci2for',
1668                            'typconv',
1669                            'warning',
1670                            'asciimat',
1671                            'cell',
1672                            'createstruct',
1673                            'char',
1674                            'enlarge_shape',
1675                            'fseek_origin',
1676                            'firstnonsingleton',
1677                            'generic_i_st',
1678                            'generic_i_ce',
1679                            'mtlb_subplot',
1680                            'mtlb_std',
1681                            'mtlb_sscanf',
1682                            'mtlb_sprintf',
1683                            'mtlb_semilogy',
1684                            'mtlb_semilogx',
1685                            'mtlb',
1686                            'mtlb_qz',
1687                            'mtlb_mesh',
1688                            'mtlb_meshdom',
1689                            'mtlb_median',
1690                            'mtlb_mean',
1691                            'mtlb_loglog',
1692                            'mtlb_is',
1693                            'mtlb_i',
1694                            'mtlb_get',
1695                            'mtlb_findstr',
1696                            'mtlb_choices',
1697                            'mtlb_axes',
1698                            'mtlb_image',
1699                            'mtlb_pcolor',
1700                            'mtlb_cumsum',
1701                            'mtlb_cumprod',
1702                            'mtlb_any',
1703                            'mtlb_all',
1704                            'mtlb_eig',
1705                            'mtlb_double',
1706                            'mtlb_diag',
1707                            'mtlb_eval',
1708                            'mtlb_exist',
1709                            'mtlb_eye',
1710                            'mtlb_false',
1711                            'mtlb_find',
1712                            'mtlb_fscanf',
1713                            'mtlb_fwrite',
1714                            'mtlb_fread',
1715                            'mtlb_min',
1716                            'mtlb_max',
1717                            'mtlb_zeros',
1718                            'mtlb_ones',
1719                            'mtlb_sum',
1720                            'mtlb_prod',
1721                            'mtlb_rand',
1722                            'mtlb_upper',
1723                            'mtlb_uint8',
1724                            'mtlb_uint32',
1725                            'mtlb_uint16',
1726                            'mtlb_type',
1727                            'mtlb_true',
1728                            'mtlb_triu',
1729                            'mtlb_tril',
1730                            'mtlb_strrep',
1731                            'mtlb_strcmp',
1732                            'mtlb_strcmpi',
1733                            'mtlb_size',
1734                            'mtlb_setstr',
1735                            'mtlb_rcond',
1736                            'mtlb_randn',
1737                            'mtlb_qr',
1738                            'mtlb_more',
1739                            'mtlb_lower',
1740                            'mtlb_logical',
1741                            'mtlb_isspace',
1742                            'mtlb_isletter',
1743                            'mtlb_int8',
1744                            'mtlb_int32',
1745                            'mtlb_int16',
1746                            'mtlb_full',
1747                            'mtlb_format',
1748                            'mtlb_fopen',
1749                            'mtlb_imp',
1750                            'mstr2sci',
1751                            'mtlb_diff',
1752                            'mtlb_isa',
1753                            'mtlb_delete',
1754                            'mtlb_colordef',
1755                            'mtlb_box',
1756                            'makecell',
1757                            'mtlb_strfind',
1758                            'mtlb_dec2hex',
1759                            'mtlb_conv',
1760                            'mtlb_plot',
1761                            'mtlb_hold',
1762                            'mtlb_num2str',
1763                            'mtlb_close',
1764                            'mtlb_toeplitz',
1765                            'mtlb_grid',
1766                            'mtlb_fftshift',
1767                            'mtlb_fliplr',
1768                            'mtlb_isfield',
1769                            'mtlb_load',
1770                            'mtlb_repmat',
1771                            'mtlb_linspace',
1772                            'mtlb_save',
1773                            'mtlb_e',
1774                            'mtlb_realmin',
1775                            'mtlb_realmax',
1776                            'mtlb_echo',
1777                            'mtlb_filter',
1778                            'mtlb_beta',
1779                            'mtlb_ifft',
1780                            'mtlb_fft',
1781                            'mtlb_t',
1782                            'mtlb_s',
1783                            'mtlb_l',
1784                            'mtlb_logic',
1785                            'mtlb_a',
1786                            'mtlb_0',
1787                            'mtlb_cond',
1788                            'mtlb_error',
1789                            'mtlb_axis',
1790                            'mtlb_legendre',
1791                            'mtlb_sortrows',
1792                            'mtlb_cov',
1793                            'mtlb_dir',
1794                            'mtlb_sort',
1795                            'mtlb_fprintf',
1796                            'struct',
1797                            'sci_sparse',
1798                            'st_i_generic',
1799                            'add_palette',
1800                            'analyse',
1801                            'adjust_s_ports',
1802                            'Aspect_',
1803                            'Align_',
1804                            'Addnewblock_',
1805                            'Addcolor_',
1806                            'adjust',
1807                            'build_scs_tree',
1808                            'bad_connection',
1809                            'build_modelica_block',
1810                            'Backgroundcolor_',
1811                            'build_block',
1812                            'ctree',
1813                            'change_tree_elt',
1814                            'Calc_',
1815                            'connected_links',
1816                            'changeports',
1817                            'check_mac',
1818                            'CFORTR',
1819                            'c_block',
1820                            'cos2cosf',
1821                            'countblocks',
1822                            'choosefile',
1823                            'create_modelica',
1824                            'check_io',
1825                            'c_pass1',
1826                            'create_modelica1',
1827                            'CFORTR2',
1828                            'check_edge',
1829                            'Cut_',
1830                            'cosclick',
1831                            'Copy_',
1832                            'Compile_',
1833                            'Color_',
1834                            'clickin',
1835                            'CopyRegion_',
1836                            'c_pass3',
1837                            'Context_',
1838                            'compile_modelica',
1839                            'CodeGeneration_',
1840                            'c_pass2',
1841                            'do_xsetech',
1842                            'do_set_info',
1843                            'do_edit_pal',
1844                            'do_context',
1845                            'dist2polyline',
1846                            'dialog',
1847                            'drawobj',
1848                            'drawlink',
1849                            'drawblock',
1850                            'do_window',
1851                            'do_newblk',
1852                            'drawtitle',
1853                            'do_zoomout',
1854                            'do_zoomin',
1855                            'do_view',
1856                            'do_rename',
1857                            'do_navigator',
1858                            'disablemenus',
1859                            'draw',
1860                            'drawobjs',
1861                            'do_purge',
1862                            'do_focus',
1863                            'do_delete2',
1864                            'default_color',
1865                            'do_Displaymode',
1866                            'Displaymode_',
1867                            'default_options',
1868                            'do_exit',
1869                            'dig_bound',
1870                            'do_update',
1871                            'do_setup',
1872                            'do_save',
1873                            'do_SaveAs',
1874                            'do_delete1',
1875                            'do_compile',
1876                            'do_terminate',
1877                            'do_run',
1878                            'delete_unconnected',
1879                            'do_export',
1880                            'do_load',
1881                            'do_version',
1882                            'Duplicate_',
1883                            'do_duplicate',
1884                            'disconnect_ports',
1885                            'DuplicateRegion_',
1886                            'do_tild',
1887                            'do_resize',
1888                            'do_replace',
1889                            'do_region2block',
1890                            'do_label',
1891                            'do_icon_edit',
1892                            'do_help',
1893                            'do_doc',
1894                            'do_delete',
1895                            'do_delete_region',
1896                            'Documentation_',
1897                            'do_copy_region',
1898                            'do_block',
1899                            'do_block_info',
1900                            'Delete_',
1901                            'DeleteRegion_',
1902                            'Defaultlinkcolors_',
1903                            'DebugLevel_',
1904                            'do_ident',
1905                            'do_color',
1906                            'do_palettes',
1907                            'do_stupidmove',
1908                            'do_move',
1909                            'do_copy',
1910                            'do_eval',
1911                            'do_addnew',
1912                            'do_options',
1913                            'do_load_as_palette',
1914                            'Export_',
1915                            'ExportAll_',
1916                            'enablemenus',
1917                            'extract_implicit',
1918                            'Eval_',
1919                            'FORTR',
1920                            'fortran_block',
1921                            'Flip_',
1922                            'gridpoint',
1923                            'get_tree_elt',
1924                            'get_region',
1925                            'get_new_window',
1926                            'get_info',
1927                            'genmac',
1928                            'genfunc1',
1929                            'getportsiz',
1930                            'getoutputs',
1931                            'getorigin',
1932                            'getinputs',
1933                            'genfunc',
1934                            'get_subobj_path',
1935                            'getgeom',
1936                            'generic_block',
1937                            'getblocktext',
1938                            'get_blocks_in_rect',
1939                            'getblock',
1940                            'getoutputports',
1941                            'gen_modelica',
1942                            'get_region2',
1943                            'get_connected',
1944                            'getinputports',
1945                            'getparpath',
1946                            'genmoc',
1947                            'get_block_info',
1948                            'get_selection',
1949                            'get_inside',
1950                            'get_rectangle',
1951                            'getobj',
1952                            'GetInfo_',
1953                            'getblocklink',
1954                            'getlink',
1955                            'generic_block2',
1956                            'hilite_path',
1957                            'hilite_obj',
1958                            'Help_',
1959                            'init_agenda',
1960                            'is_split',
1961                            'is_modelica_block',
1962                            'IDfonts_',
1963                            'Icon_',
1964                            'IconEditor_',
1965                            'Identification_',
1966                            'lstfiles',
1967                            'lnkptrcomp',
1968                            'loadpallibs',
1969                            'Load_',
1970                            'LoadasPalette_',
1971                            'Link_',
1972                            'Label_',
1973                            'mkvect',
1974                            'message',
1975                            'mark_newpars',
1976                            'modelica',
1977                            'mark_prt',
1978                            'modipar',
1979                            'MoveLink_',
1980                            'Move_',
1981                            'Modelica_',
1982                            'menu_stuff',
1983                            'Nyquist_',
1984                            'newc_pass2',
1985                            'New_',
1986                            'Navigator_',
1987                            'OpenSet_',
1988                            'point2pixel',
1989                            'Popup_',
1990                            'Paste_',
1991                            'Purge_',
1992                            'prt_align',
1993                            'Palettes_',
1994                            'Paleditor_',
1995                            'pwindow_set_size',
1996                            'replayifnecessary',
1997                            'restore_scs_gc',
1998                            'Run_',
1999                            'Resize_',
2000                            'Replot_',
2001                            'Replace_',
2002                            'Rename_',
2003                            'RegiontoSuperBlock_',
2004                            'splitfilepath',
2005                            'shiftcors',
2006                            'standard_origin',
2007                            'set_background',
2008                            'scicos_link',
2009                            'scicos_block',
2010                            'scicos_diagram',
2011                            'set_cmap',
2012                            'save_scs_gc',
2013                            'scicos_cpr',
2014                            'systshow',
2015                            'systexport',
2016                            'sci2tcl',
2017                            'show_info',
2018                            'standard_draw_ports_up',
2019                            'scs_full_path',
2020                            'scicos_flat',
2021                            'standard_outputs',
2022                            'standard_inputs',
2023                            'standard_etiquette',
2024                            's_port_names',
2025                            'splitted_links',
2026                            'standard_draw_ports',
2027                            'scicos_sim',
2028                            'scicos_model',
2029                            'scicos_state',
2030                            'scicos_graphics',
2031                            'scs_show',
2032                            'standard_draw',
2033                            'standard_define',
2034                            'SaveasInterfFunc_',
2035                            'scicos_block_link',
2036                            'select_unhilite',
2037                            'SelectRegion_',
2038                            'SelectLink_',
2039                            'select_hilite2',
2040                            'SmartMove_',
2041                            'Setup_',
2042                            'SetDiagramInfo_',
2043                            'Save_',
2044                            'SaveAs_',
2045                            'SaveasPalette_',
2046                            'script2var',
2047                            'Shortcuts_',
2048                            'standard_document',
2049                            'setvalue',
2050                            'scicos_params',
2051                            'save_super',
2052                            'save_csuper',
2053                            'tabule',
2054                            'tk_choose',
2055                            'tk_mpopupX',
2056                            'tk_mpopup',
2057                            'tk_getcolor',
2058                            'tk_getvalue',
2059                            'update_redraw_obj',
2060                            'update_scicos_pal',
2061                            'under_connection',
2062                            'unhilite_obj',
2063                            'Undo_',
2064                            'value2modelica',
2065                            'whereintree',
2066                            'width2pixel',
2067                            'window_set_size',
2068                            'Window_',
2069                            'Zoomout_',
2070                            'Zoomin_']
2072         constant_words = [ 'home',
2073                            'SCIHOME',
2074                            'PWD',
2075                            'TMPDIR',
2076                            'MSDOS',
2077                            'SCI',
2078                            'COMPILER']
2080         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%helps)")
2081         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%F)")
2082         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%T)")
2083         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%z)")
2084         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%s)")
2085         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%nan)")
2086         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%inf)")
2087         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%gtk)")
2088         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%gui)")
2089         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%pvm)")
2090         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%tk)")
2091         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%t)")
2092         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%f)")
2093         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%eps)")
2094         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%io)")
2095         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%i)")
2096         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%e)")
2097         self.addRule("ConsWord",r"(%pi)")
2099         self.addReserved(reserved_words)
2100         self.addConstant(constant_words)
2102         self.addWords(reserved_words2,'ResWord2')

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