Open Source meets Business 2007

The MoinMoin project will have a "Poster Session" at the "Open Source meets Business 2007" congress in Nuernberg, Germany (23.-26. January 2007).

Details about what a "Poster Session" is are here (in german) or here (in english) .

ThomasWaldmann and MichaelZeidler will be there.

Due to the location, I guess most people attending there will be from Germany. The talks at the congress are in English or German, so maybe there is also some international audience.


Infos I got via email


Keywords for Poster

Another suggestion with some more details

An outlook to the future is maybe also very interesting if a company wants to choose the right engine:

Layout Ideas

Other Ideas

Maybe it is also possible to have a small information flyer on Moin (a copy of the posters?) people can take away, a CD with an installed DesktopEdition (needs only to be copied to the hdd for testing then).

I can also give a helping hand in the creation of the posters and the graphical design, but I only have ppt for that available - no open office. Sorry. -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-01-18 21:43:24

The poster looks great! Good luck in Nuremberg! -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-01-23 14:18:02


Have we been invited for Open Source Meets Business 2008? Call for Papers is open till September. See -- MartinBayer 2007-07-22 14:27:02

MoinMoin: OpenSourceMeetsBusiness (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:13 by localhost)