Attachment 'DokuWiki2MoinMoin.txt'


   1 ' Created: 2004-12-08
   2 ' Last modified: 2005-04-01
   3 ' MoinMoin-Replacements: 2005-07-26
   5 'Creating a new document that contains the current document in MoinMoin format
   7 '*****************************************************************************
   8 '   Copyright © 2005 Ian Laurenson
   9 '   Anyone may run this code.
  10 '   If you wish to modify or distribute this code, then
  11 '   you are granted a license to do so under the terms
  12 '    of the Gnu Lesser General Public License.
  13 '   See:
  14 '     
  15 '   Improvements and replacements for MoinMoinWikiEngine: 2005 KlausHeinisch
  16 '   See: 
  17 '*****************************************************************************
  18 const sBOLDSTART = "'''"
  19 const sBOLDEND = "'''"
  20 const sUNDERSTART = "__"
  21 const sUNDEREND = "__"
  22 const sITALICSTART = "''"
  23 const sITALICEND = "''"
  24 const sMONOSTART = "`"
  25 const sMONOEND = "`"
  26 const sSUPERSTART = "^"
  27 const sSUPEREND = "^"
  28 const sSUBSTART = ",,"
  29 const sSUBEND = ",,"
  30 const sDELSTART = "<del>"
  31 const sDELEND = "</del>"
  32 const sFOOTSTART = "[[FootNote(^"
  33 const sFOOTEND = "^)]]"
  34 const sHEADCHAR = "="
  35 const sHORIZLINE = "----"
  36 const sTABLESEP = "||"
  37 const sTABLEHEADSEP = "||"
  38 const sNEWLINE = "[[BR]]"
  39 const sLITERALSTART = "{{{"
  40 const sLITERALEND = "}}}"
  41 const sORDEREDLIST = "1. "
  42 const sUNORDEREDLIST = "* "
  43 const sHYPERSTART = "["
  44 const sHYPERSEP = " "
  45 const sHYPEREND = "]"
  46 const sPICTURESTART = "{{wiki:"
  47 const sPICTUREEND = "}}"
  48 const sCODESTART = "###"
  49 const sCODEEND = "###"
  50 const sBLANK = " "
  52 const sDEFAULTCODE = "oobas"
  54 private sLineEnd as string
  56 private s as string
  57 private oVC
  58 private bInCode as boolean
  59 private mCodes
  61 'This routine processes all html files in a directory tree. 
  62 sub Folders
  63 dim mTextFile(0)
  65 mTextFile(0) = createUnoStruct("")
  66 mTextFile(0).Name = "FilterName"
  67 mTextFile(0).Value = "Text"
  69 basicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools")
  70 'ReadDirectories(ByVal AnchorDir As String, bRecursive as Boolean,  bcheckFileType as Boolean, bGetByTitle as Boolean, Optional sFileContent(), Optional sExtension as String)
  71 mFiles = ReadDirectories("/var/www/html/dokuwiki/data/ref", true,  false, false,,"html")
  73 'sStart = "file:///var/www/html/dokuwiki/data/"
  74 'nStart = len(sStart) + 1
  76 for i = 0 to uBound(mfiles)
  77 	sFile = mFiles(i)
  78 	if right(sFile,5) = ".html" then
  79 	oSourceDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sFile, "_blank", 0, Array())
  80 	oText = oSourceDoc.text
  82 	oDestDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() ) 
  83 	oDestText = oDestDoc.getText()
  84 '	oCursor = oDestText.createTextCursor()
  85 	oVC = oDestDoc.currentController.viewCursor
  86 	subDokuWiki(oText)
  88 '	oVC.text.insertString(oVC.text.end, "[[" & mid(sFile, nStart) & "]]", false)
  89 	oDestDoc.storeAsUrl(left(sFile,len(sFile)-4) & "txt", mTextFile())
  90 	oDestDoc.close(true)
  92 	oSourceDoc.close(false)
  93 '	kill sFile	'Uncomment this line to remove the original file
  94 	end if
  95 next
  96 end sub
  99 'This is the main routine to run on the currently open document
 100 sub DokuWiki
 101 oSourceDoc = thisComponent
 102 oDestDoc= fnDokuWiki(oSourceDoc)
 103 'oDestDoc.close(false)
 104 end sub
 107 function fnDokuWiki(oSourceDoc)
 108 oText = oSourceDoc.text
 109 'Create a new document
 110 oNewDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() ) 
 111 oNewText = oNewDoc.getText()
 112 oCursor = oNewText.createTextCursor()
 113 'oNewText.insertString(oCursor,sDokuWiki , true)
 114 oVC = oNewDoc.currentController.viewCursor
 115 mCodes = array("actionscript", "ada", "apache", "asm", "asp", "bash", "caddcl", "cadlisp", "c_mac", "cpp", "csharp", _
 116  "css", "delphi", "html4strict", "javascript", "java", "lisp", "lua", "nsis", "objc", "oobas", "pascal", "perl", _
 117  "php-brief", "php", "python", "qbasic", "smarty", "sql", "vbnet", "vb", "visualfoxpro", "xml", "c")
 119 subDokuWiki(oText)
 121 'Copy to clipboard
 122 'There is a way of doing this via the API but this will do
 123 oVC.gotoStart(false)
 124 oVC.gotoEnd(true)
 125 oFrame = oNewDoc.CurrentController.Frame
 126 oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
 127 oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, array())
 130 fnDokuWiki = oNewDoc
 131 end function
 134 sub subDokuWiki(oText)
 135 sLineEnd = chr(10)
 137 'If not oDoc.supportsService("") then
 138 '	msgBox "Sorry - I can only create DokuWiki documents out of text documents", 16, "Error"
 139 '	exit function
 140 'end if
 141 s = ""
 142 oEnum1 = oText.createEnumeration
 143 ' loop over all paragraphs
 144 while oEnum1.hasMoreElements
 145 	oTextElement = oEnum1.nextElement
 146 	if oTextElement.supportsService("") Then
 147 		subParagraph(oTextElement)
 148 	elseif oTextElement.supportsService("") Then
 149 		subTable(oTextElement)
 150 	end if
 151 wend
 152 if bIncode then
 153 	subAddString(sCODEEND & sLineEnd)
 154 end if
 155 end sub
 158 sub subParagraph(oTextElement)
 159 nHeadLevel = oTextElement.ParaChapterNumberingLevel + 1
 160 bInlist = false
 161 sCode = oTextElement.paraStyleName
 162 sCode = fnInCode(sCode)
 163 if bIncode and sCode  = "" then
 164 	subAddString(sCODEEND & sLineEnd)
 165 	bInCode = false
 166 end if
 167 if nHeadLevel >= 1 and nHeadLevel <= 5 then
 168 	sHead = string(nHeadLevel,  sHEADCHAR)
 169 	subAddString(sLineEnd & sHead & sBLANK & oTextElement.string & sBLANK & sHead & sLineEnd)
 170 elseif sCode <> "" then
 171 	if not bInCode then
 172 		subAddString(sCODESTART & sCode & sCODEEND & sLineEnd)
 173 		bInCode = true
 174 	end if
 175 	subAddString(oTextElement.string & sLineEnd)
 176 else
 177 	if oTextElement.NumberingIsNumber then 'if not isEmpty(oTextElement.NumberingLevel) then
 178 	'	xray.xray oTextElement
 179 		bInlist = true
 180 		subAddString(string((oTextElement.NumberingLevel + 1) * 2, " "))
 181 		if instr("0123456789", left(oTextElement.string, 1)) > 0 then
 182 			subAddString(sORDEREDLIST)
 183 		else
 184 			subAddString(sUNORDEREDLIST)
 185 		end if
 186 	end if
 187 	oEnum2 = oTextElement.createEnumeration
 188 	' loop over all text portions
 189 	while oEnum2.hasMoreElements
 190 		oTextPortion = oEnum2.nextElement
 191 		subAddString(fnTextPortion(oTextPortion, false))
 192 	wend
 193 	subAddString(sLineEnd)
 194 	if oTextElement.bottomBorder.OuterLineWidth > 0 then
 195 		subAddString(sHORIZLINE & sLineEnd)
 196 	else
 197 		if not bInList then subAddString(sLineEnd)
 198 	end if
 199 end if
 200 end sub
 203 sub subTable(oTable)
 204 mCellnames = oTable.getCellNames
 206 nMaxCols = 0
 207 for i = 0 to uBound(mCellNames)
 208 	sCellName = mCellNames(i)
 209 	nCol = 0
 210 	for j = 1 to len(sCellName)
 211 		ch = mid(sCellName, j, 1)
 212 		select case ch
 213 		case "A" to "Z"
 214 			nCol = nCol * 26 + (asc(ch) - asc("A"))
 215 		case "0" to "9"
 216 			'nRow = val(mid(sCellName, j)) - 1
 217 			exit for
 218 		end select
 219 	next
 220 	if nCol > nMaxCols then nMaxCols = nCol
 221 next
 223 nRows = oTable.rows.count - 1
 225 if nMaxCols = 0 then
 226 	for i = 0 to nRows
 227 		oCell = oTable.getCellByPosition(0, i)
 228 		oCellEnum = oCell.createEnumeration
 229 		while oCellEnum.hasMoreElements
 230 			subParagraph(oCellEnum.nextElement)
 231 		wend
 232 	next
 233 	exit sub
 234 end if
 236 dim mCells(nRows, nMaxCols)
 238 'for i = 0 to nRows
 239 '	for j = 0 to nmaxCols - 1
 240 '		mCells(i, j) = ""
 241 '	next
 242 'next
 244 for i = 0 to uBound(mCellNames)
 245 	sCellName = mCellNames(i)
 246 	nCol = 0
 247 	for j = 1 to len(sCellName)
 248 		ch = mid(sCellName, j, 1)
 249 		select case ch
 250 		case "A" to "Z"
 251 			nCol = nCol * 26 + (asc(ch) - asc("A"))
 252 		case "0" to "9"
 253 			nRow = val(mid(sCellName, j)) - 1
 254 			exit for
 255 		end select
 256 	next
 257 	oCell = oTable.getCellByName(sCellName)
 258 	sCell = " "
 259 	oCellEnum = oCell.createEnumeration
 260 	while oCellEnum.hasMoreElements
 261 		oTextElement = oCellEnum.nextElement
 262 		if sCell <> " " then
 263 			sCell = sCell & sNEWLINE
 264 		end if
 266 		if oTextElement.ParaStyleName = "Table Heading" then
 267 			sSep = sTABLEHEADSEP
 268 		else
 269 			sSep = sTABLESEP
 270 		end if
 272 		if oTextElement.NumberingIsNumber then
 273 			if instr("0123456789", left(oTextElement.string, 1)) > 0 then
 274 				sCell = sCell & str(val(oTextElement.string))
 275 			else
 276 				sCell = sCell & "* "
 277 			end if
 278 		end if
 280 		oPortionEnum =  oTextElement.createEnumeration
 281 		while oPortionEnum.hasMoreElements
 282 			oTextPortion = oPortionEnum.nextElement
 283 			sCell = sCell & fnTextPortion(oTextPortion, true)
 284 		wend
 285 	wend
 286 	sCell =trim(sCell)
 287 	select case oTextElement.paraAdjust
 288 	case
 289 		sCell = "  " & sCell & "  "
 290 	case
 291 		sCell = "  " & sCell
 292 	end select
 293 	mCells(nRow, nCol) = sCell
 294 next
 296 for i = 0 to nRows
 297 	sRow = ""
 298 	sRow = sRow & sTableSep
 299 	bHeading = false
 300 	for j = 0 to nmaxCols
 301 		if mCells(i, j) <> "" then
 302 			if j = 0 and instr(mCells(i, j), chr(10)) = 0 then
 303 				bHeading = true
 304 			else
 305 				bHeading = false
 306 			end if
 307 		end if
 308 		sRow = sRow & mCells(i, j) & sTableSep
 309 	next
 310 	if bHeading then
 311 		if i = 0 then
 312 			sRow = string(6, sHEADCHAR) & mCells(i, 0) & string(6, sHEADCHAR) & sLineEnd & sLineEnd
 313 		else
 314 			sRow = string(5, sHEADCHAR) & mCells(i, 0) & string(5, sHEADCHAR) & sLineEnd & sLineEnd
 315 		end if
 316 	else
 317 		sRow = sRow & sLineEnd
 318 	end if
 320 	subAddString(sRow)
 321 next
 323 subAddString(sLineEnd)
 324 end sub
 327 function fnTextPortion(oTextPortion, bInTable as boolean)
 329 if not isNull(oTextPortion.footnote) then
 330 	fnTextPortion = sFOOTStart & oTextPortion.footnote.string & sFOOTEND
 331 elseif oTextPortion.hyperlinkURL <> "" then
 332 	'NB: If the link has separate text portions (i.e. formats inside it) this will repeat the link :(
 333 	fnTextPortion = sHYPERSTART & fnHyperConvert(oTextPortion.hyperlinkURL) & sHYPERSEP & oTextPortion.string & sHYPEREND
 334 elseif oTextPortion.TextPortionType = "Frame" then
 335 	'The above condition may need to be tightened
 336 	sName = oTextPortion.createContentEnumeration("")
 337 	if sName <> "" then
 338 		fnTextPortion = sPICTURESTART & sName & sPICTUREEND
 339 	end if
 340 else
 341 	sPortion = oTextPortion.string
 342 	if sPortion = "" then
 343 		fnTextPortion = ""
 344 		exit function
 345 	end if
 346 	if bInTable then
 347 		'In case the separators are actually in the text of the table
 348 		mSplits = split(sPortion, sTABLESEP)
 349 		sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sTABLESEP & sLITERALEND)
 350 		mSplits = split(sPortion, sTABLEHEADSEP)
 351 		sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sTABLEHEADSEP & sLITERALEND)	
 352 	else
 353 		'In the unlikley event of a paragraph starting and finishing with separator characters.
 354 		sFirstChar = left(sPortion, 1)
 355 		if sFirstChar = sTABLESEP or sFirstChar = sTABLEHEADSEP then
 356 			sPortion = sLITERALSTART & sFirstChar & sLITERALEND & mid(sPortion,2)
 357 		end if
 358 	end if
 359 	'Convert smart quotes
 360 	mSplits = split(sPortion, "“")
 361 	sPortion = join(mSplits, chr(34))
 362 	mSplits = split(sPortion, "”")
 363 	sPortion = join(mSplits, chr(34))
 364 	mSplits = split(sPortion, "‘")
 365 	sPortion = join(mSplits, "'")
 366 	mSplits = split(sPortion, "’")
 367 	sPortion = join(mSplits, "'")
 368 	'Convert em dashes
 369 	mSplits = split(sPortion, "–")
 370 	sPortion = join(mSplits, "-")
 371 	'In case the text holds any of the formatting charaters make sure that they are treated literally
 372 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sBOLDSTART)
 373 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sBOLDSTART & sLITERALEND)
 374 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sUNDERSTART)
 375 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sUNDERSTART & sLITERALEND)
 376 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sITALICSTART)
 377 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sITALICSTART & sLITERALEND)
 378 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sMONOSTART)
 379 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sMONOSTART & sLITERALEND)
 380 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sSUPERSTART)
 381 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sSUPERSTART & sLITERALEND)
 382 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sSUBSTART)
 383 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sSUBSTART & sLITERALEND)
 384 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sDELSTART)
 385 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sDELSTART & sLITERALEND)
 386 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sFOOTSTART)
 387 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sFOOTSTART & sLITERALEND)
 388 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sPICTURESTART)
 389 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sPICTURESTART & sLITERALEND)
 390 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sCODESTART)
 391 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sLITERALSTART & sCODESTART & sLITERALEND)
 392 	mSplits = split(sPortion, sLineEnd)
 393 	sPortion = join(mSplits, sNEWLINE & " ")
 395 	'This is not very elegant as it will produce **bold**//**bold & italic**// 
 396 	'rather than **bold//bold & italic//**
 397 	if oTextPortion.charWeight > 100 then sPortion = sBOLDSTART & sPortion & sBOLDEND
 398 	if oTextPortion.charPosture > 0 then sPortion = sITALICSTART & sPortion & sITALICEND
 399 	if oTextPortion.charUnderline > 0 then sPortion = sUNDERSTART & sPortion & sUNDEREND
 400 	if oTextPortion.charFontPitch = then sPortion = sMONOSTART & sPortion & sMONOEND
 401 	if oTextPortion.charEscapement > 0 then sPortion = sSUPERSTART & sPortion & sSUPEREND
 402 	if oTextPortion.charEscapement < 0 then sPortion = sSUBSTART & sPortion & sSUBEND
 403 	if oTextPortion.charStrikeOut > 0 then sPortion = sDELSTART & sPortion & sDELEND
 404 	fnTextPortion = sPortion
 405 end if
 406 end function
 409 function fnHyperConvert(sURL as string) as string
 410 const sINTLINK = "doku.php?id="
 412 'sIDL = ""
 413 'sGuide = "file:///var/www/html/dokuwiki/DevelopersGuide"
 414 'nIDL = len(sIDL)
 415 'nGuide = len(sGuide)
 416 nStartInternalLink = instr(sUrl, sINTLINK)
 417 if nStartInternalLink > 0 then
 418 	nStartInternalLink = nStartInternalLink + len(sINTLINK)
 419 	fnHyperConvert = mid(sURL, nStartInternalLink)
 420 'elseif sIDL = left(sURL, nIDL) then
 421 '	sTemp = mid(sURL, nIDL + 1)
 422 '	sTemp = left(stemp,(instr(sTemp, ".xhp")-1))
 423 '	mSplits = split(sTemp, ".html")
 424 '	sTemp = join(mSplits, "")
 425 '	mSplits = split(sTemp, "/")
 426 	fnHyperConvert = sTemp	'join(mSplits, ":")
 427 'elseif left(sURL, nGuide) = sGuide then
 428 '	sTemp = "" & mid(sURL, nGuide + 1)
 429 '	mSplits = split(sTemp, ".xhtml")
 430 '	fnHyperConvert = join(mSplits, ".htm")
 431 else
 432 	fnHyperConvert = sURL
 433 end if
 434 end function
 437 function fnInCode(sParaStyleName)
 438 nCode =  instr(1, sParaStyleName, "Code")
 440 if nCode > 0 then
 441 	nCode = nCode + 4
 442 	for i = 0 to ubound(mCodes)
 443 		if instr(nCode, sParaStyleName, mCodes(i)) > 0 then
 444 			fnInCode = mCodes(i)
 445 			exit for
 446 		end if
 447 	next
 448 elseif sParaStyleName = "Preformatted Text" then
 449 	fnInCode = sDEFAULTCODE
 450 else
 451 	fnInCode = ""
 452 end if
 453 end function
 456 sub subAddString(sAdd as string)
 458 if sAdd = sLineEnd then	'A paragraph can't be > 64k therefore this hack makes sure of some paragraph breaks
 459 	oVC.text.insertControlCharacter(oVC,, False)
 460 else
 461 	oVC.text.insertString(oVC, sAdd , false)
 462 end if
 463 end sub

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