Attachment 'quicklinksmenu_rightsidebar.patch'


   1 diff -ur moin-1.5.0rc1.orig/MoinMoin/theme/ moin-1.5.0rc1/MoinMoin/theme/
   2 --- moin-1.5.0rc1.orig/MoinMoin/theme/	2005-12-12 20:14:38.000000000 +0100
   3 +++ moin-1.5.0rc1/MoinMoin/theme/	2006-01-07 21:58:44.000000000 +0100
   4 @@ -18,12 +18,52 @@
   5      def wikipanel(self, d):
   6          """ Create wiki panel """
   7          _ = self.request.getText
   8 -        html = [
   9 -            u'<div class="sidepanel">',
  10 -            u'<h1>%s</h1>' % _("Wiki"),
  11 -            self.navibar(d),
  12 -            u'</div>',
  13 -            ]
  14 +        html = []
  15 +        navibar = self.config_navibar(d)[0]
  16 +        if navibar:
  17 +            html.extend([
  18 +                u'<div class="sidepanel">',
  19 +                u'<h1>%s</h1>' % _("Wiki"),
  20 +                u'<ul id="navibar">'])
  21 +            html.extend([
  22 +                u'<li class="%s">%s</li>' % (i[2], i[0]) for i in navibar])
  23 +            html.extend([
  24 +                u'</ul>',
  25 +                u'</div>',
  26 +                u''])
  27 +        navibar = self.user_navibar(d)[0]
  28 +        if navibar:
  29 +            html.extend([
  30 +                u'<div class="sidepanel">',
  31 +                u'<h1>%s</h1>' % _("Quick links"),
  32 +                u'<ul class="editbar">',
  33 +                u'<li>',
  34 +                u'<form class="quicklinksmenu" method="get" action="">',
  35 +                u'<div>',
  36 +                u'    <label>%s:</label>' % _("Go To Page"),
  37 +                u'    <select name="goto"',
  38 +                u'            onchange="window.location=this.options[selectedIndex].value;">'])
  39 +            for i in navibar:
  40 +                if i[2] == 'userlink current':
  41 +                    selected = u'selected="selected"'
  42 +                else:
  43 +                    selected = u''
  44 +                html.extend([
  45 +                    u'        <option value="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (i[1], selected, i[1])])
  46 +            html.extend([
  47 +                    u'    </select>',
  48 +                    u'    <input type="submit" value="%s">' % _("Do"),
  49 +                    u'</div>',
  50 +                    u'<script type="text/javascript">',
  51 +                    u'<!--// Init menu',
  52 +                    u'menuInit(\'quicklinksmenu\', \'%s:\')' % _("Quick links"),
  53 +                    u'-->',
  54 +                    u'</script>',
  55 +                    u'</form>',
  56 +                    u'</li>',
  57 +                    u'</ul>',
  58 +                    u'</div',
  59 +                    u''])
  60          return u'\n'.join(html)
  62      def pagepanel(self, d):

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  • [get | view] (2006-01-07 22:14:20, 31.0 KB) [[attachment:modified_rightsidebar.png]]
  • [get | view] (2006-01-07 21:49:14, 5.2 KB) [[attachment:quicklinksmenu.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2006-01-07 21:52:39, 2.5 KB) [[attachment:quicklinksmenu_rightsidebar.patch]]
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