Attachment 'fullsearch.patch'


   1 --- /home2/moin/MoinMoin/action/	2012-02-07 21:48:50.000000000 +0100
   2 +++	2012-03-19 21:17:45.000000000 +0100
   3 @@ -162,9 +162,9 @@
   5      # check for sensible search term
   6      stripped = needle.strip()
   7 -    if len(stripped) == 0:
   8 -        request.theme.add_msg(_('Please use a more selective search term instead '
   9 -                'of {{{"%s"}}}', wiki=True) % wikiutil.escape(needle), "error")
  10 +    lstripped = stripped.lower()
  11 +    if (len(lstripped) < 3) or ('regex:' in lstripped) or ('r:' in lstripped) or ('*' in lstripped):
  12 +        request.theme.add_msg(_('Please use a more selective search term instead of {{{"%s"}}}', wiki=True) % wikiutil.escape(needle), "error")
  13          Page(request, pagename).send_page()
  14          return
  15      needle = stripped

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