How to create a bug report, how to update a bug page when you fixed a bug, and list of all bug categories

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1. Creating A Bug Report

  1. First make sure you run the latest version of moin, see FrontPage (this is either the latest released version if you want to report a bug in a release, or that latest developer version, if the bug happens in a developer version).

  2. Create a sub page of MoinMoinBugs, (like MoinMoinBugs/HorribleSecurityHole) with a good WikiName - that describes the bug in few words.

  3. Important: Select the BugTemplate from the list of templates.

  4. Read the instructions and fill in the requested data.

2. Fixing a bug

  1. State the version (patch) in which it was fixed
  2. Change the category of the page to CategoryMoinMoinBugFixed

2.1. What if I don't know if it's a bug?

First look if it is on MoinMoinFeatures. Search for the problems you have. Perhaps someone else already found it, or it is a thing on a todo list or an enhancement proposal.

If you can't find it follow the description above to file the bug. The MoinMoin developers will then decide if it is a bug or not.

3. Bugs, fixed bugs and no bugs
