--> -->


'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 5: unexpected end of data

If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.


A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  1. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/request/request_modpython.py in __init__ (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0x29abda4c>, req=<mp_request object at 0x2979fabc>, properties={})

    1. 37 env = req.subprocess_env
    2. 38 self._setup_vars_from_std_env(env)
    3. 39 RequestBase.__init__(self, properties)
    4. 40
    5. 41 except Exception, err:
    • global RequestBase = <class 'MoinMoin.request.RequestBase'>
    • RequestBase.__init__ = <unbound method RequestBase.__init__>
    • self = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0x29abda4c>
    • properties = {}
  2. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py in __init__ (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0x29abda4c>, properties={}, given_config=None)

    1. 201 from MoinMoin import i18n
    2. 202 self.i18n = i18n
    3. 203 i18n.i18n_init(self)
    4. 204
    5. 205 # authentication might require translated forms, so
    • i18n = <module 'MoinMoin.i18n' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/i18n/__init__.pyc'>
    • i18n.i18n_init = <function i18n_init at 0x29a29534>
    • self = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0x29abda4c>
  3. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/i18n/__init__.py in i18n_init (request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0x29abda4c>)

    1. 80 for key, value in t.info.items():
    2. 81 #logging.debug("meta key %s value %r" % (key, value))
    3. 82 _languages[language][key] = value.decode(encoding)
    4. 83 logging.debug("dumping language metadata to disk cache")
    5. 84 try:
    • _languages = {'ar': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'', 'last-translator': u'Mohamed Yahya <yahya.mohamed@gmail.com>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2008-04-12 20:07+0200', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'moin 1.6', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'rtl', ...}, 'ca': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'po-revision-date': u'2008-07-30 17:24+0200', 'project-id-version': u'moin 1.7', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-language-in-english': u'Catalan'}, 'cs': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'Czech <moin@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'V\xe1clav Haisman <v.haisman@sh.cvut.cz>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2007-11-05 22:11+0100', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.6', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'ltr', ...}, 'de': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'German <moin-user@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'Thomas Waldmann <tw-public@gmx.de>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2008-08-30 19:48+0200', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.8', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'ltr', ...}, 'el': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'Greek <moin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'YiannisValassakis <tungolcild@gmail.com>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2007-12-22 17:56+0200', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.6', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'ltr', ...}, 'en': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'German <moin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'Thomas Waldmann <tw-public@gmx.de>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2005-01-8 00:00+0100', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-02-07 14:05+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.5', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'ltr', ...}, 'es': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'Spanish <moin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'Igor T\xe1mara <igor@tamaraptino.org>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2008-08-15 10:04-0500', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.6', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'ltr', ...}, 'fi': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'Finnish <moin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'Jiri Gr\xf6nroos <jiri.gronroos@iki.fi>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2008-06-13 18:25+0300', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.8', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'ltr', ...}, 'gl': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'Galician <moin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'Iv\xe1n M\xe9ndez <imendez@udc.es>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2007-02-22 17:39-0300', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.6', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'x-direction': u'ltr', ...}, 'he': {'content-transfer-encoding': u'8bit', 'content-type': u'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'language-team': u'Hebrew <moin-user@lists.sourceforge.net>', 'last-translator': u'Dror Livne <livne.dror@gmail.com>', 'mime-version': u'1.0', 'po-revision-date': u'2008-08-22 02:05+0300', 'pot-creation-date': u'2009-01-24 04:45+0100', 'project-id-version': u'MoinMoin 1.7', 'report-msgid-bugs-to': u'', 'translator': u'Nir Soffer <nirs@freeshell.org>', ...}, ...}
    • language = 'ca'
    • key = 'x-language'
    • value = 'catal\xc3'
    • value.decode = <built-in method decode of str object at 0x29b15fa0>
    • encoding = 'utf-8'
  4. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/encodings/utf_8.py in decode (input='catal\xc3', errors='strict')

    1. 14
    2. 15 def decode(input, errors='strict'):
    3. 16 return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
    4. 17
    5. 18 class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder):
    • global codecs = <module 'codecs' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/codecs.pyc'>
    • codecs.utf_8_decode = <built-in function utf_8_decode>
    • input = 'catal\xc3'
    • errors = 'strict'
    • builtin True = True


'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 5: unexpected end of data

  • args = ('utf8', 'catal\xc3', 5, 6, 'unexpected end of data')
  • encoding = 'utf8'
  • end = 6
  • message = ''
  • object = 'catal\xc3'
  • reason = 'unexpected end of data'
  • start = 5

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