Attachment 'another.txt'


   1 183450 INFO	logging initialized
   2 183450 INFO	Serving on
   3 182503 INFO "Get / HTTP/1.1" 500 -
   4 182503 ERROR	UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 25-30: Unsupported Unicode code range
   5 Traceback (most recent call last):
   6   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Management\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\request\", line 1248, in run
   7 = wikiutil.getFrontPage(self)
   8   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Management\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\", line 783, in getFrontPage
   9     return getLocalizedPage(request, request.cfg.page_front_page)
  10   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Management\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\", line 752, in getLocalizedPage
  11     il8n_name = request.getText(pagename, formatted=False)
  12   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Management\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\request\", line 273, in <lambda>
  13     self.getText = lambda text, il8n=self.il8n, request=self, lang=self.lang, **kv: il8n.getText(text, request, lang, **kv)
  14   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Management\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\il8n\", line 257, in getText
  15     dicts = request.dicts
  16   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\request\", line 366, in getDicts
  17     dicts.scandicts()
  18   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\", line 338, in scandicts
  19     dictpages = request.rootpage.getPageList(user'', filter=isdict)
  20   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\", line 1689, in getPageList
  21     cachedlist = request.cfg.cache.pagelists.getItem(request, 'all', None)
  22   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\", line 85, in getItem
  23     self.refresh(request)
  24   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\", line 111, in refresh
  25     new_pos, items =
  26   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\logfile\", line 230, in news
  27     self.to_end()
  28   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\logfile\", line 348, in to_end
  29     forward=False)
  30   File "C:\Documents and Settings\NorthOne\My Documents\Office Managements\Software\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\logfile\", line 78, in __init__
  31     self.lines = [unicode(line, config.charset) for line in lines]
  32 UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 25-30: unsupported Unicode code range

Attached Files

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  • [get | view] (2008-02-06 15:41:21, 2.8 KB) [[attachment:another.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2008-02-05 21:57:55, 10.9 KB) [[attachment:traceback.htm]]
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