Attachment 'hitcounts.patch'


   1 * looking for to compare with
   2 * comparing to
   3 M  MoinMoin/stats/
   5 * modified files
   7 --- orig/MoinMoin/stats/
   8 +++ mod/MoinMoin/stats/
   9 @@ -86,8 +86,11 @@
  11              if event[0] <=  cache_date:
  12                  break
  13 -            # XXX Bug: event[2].get('pagename') -> u'Aktuelle%C4nderungen' 8(
  14 +            
  15 +            # The log returns utf-8 ??!
  16              eventpage = event[2].get('pagename','')
  17 +            eventpage = unicode(eventpage, config.charset)
  18 +            
  19              if filterpage and eventpage != filterpage:
  20                  continue
  21              time_tuple = request.user.getTime(wikiutil.version2timestamp(event[0]))

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