
Problem: Cannot run MM 1.9.4 on Windows 7 with current Python distribs (see below for a list of pythons that I tried.)

Date of this bug report: JUL 21 2012.


Pythons I tried:

The question is: How do I run MoinMoin locally to handle my wiki on my current computer and my current OS (Win7)?


Traceback [1]:

C:\bin>C:\bin\cygwin\bin\python2.6.exe /cygdrive/f/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/
2012-07-21 13:37:33,934 INFO MoinMoin.log:126 using logging configuration read from "/cygdrive/f/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/wikiserverlogging.conf"
2012-07-21 13:37:35,712 INFO werkzeug:116  * Running on http://localhost:8080/
2012-07-21 13:37:43,889 INFO MoinMoin.config.multiconfig:127 using wiki config: /cygdrive/f/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/
      0 [unknown (0x6C8)] python2.6 7068 exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
    470 [unknown (0x6C8)] python2.6 7068 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to python2.6.exe.stackdump


Contents of "python2.6.exe.stackdump" file:

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=67D5D311
eax=000000C8 ebx=8039F03C ecx=00000024 edx=8039F11C esi=8039EFE4 edi=00000000
ebp=FF82A1F8 esp=FF82A120 program=C:\bin\cygwin\bin\python2.6.exe, pid 7068, thread unknown (0x6C8)
cs=0023 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
End of stack trace

Traceback [2]:

C:\bin>C:\python\python2.4\python.exe -V
Python 2.4.4

C:\bin>C:\python\python2.4\python.exe  f:/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/
2012-07-21 14:12:34,917 INFO MoinMoin.log:126 using logging configuration read from "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\wikiserve
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "f:/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/", line 35, in ?
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\", line 138, in run
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\", line 261, in mainloop
    plugin_class(args[2:], self.options).run() # all starts again there
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\", line 138, in run
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\server\", line 143, in mainloop
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\web\", line 138, in run_server
    application = make_application(shared=docs)
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\web\", line 82, in make_application
    from MoinMoin.wsgiapp import application
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\", line 14, in ?
    from MoinMoin.web.contexts import AllContext, Context, XMLRPCContext
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\web\", line 13, in ?
    from werkzeug import Headers, http_date, create_environ, redirect, abort
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 119, in __getattr__
    module = __import__(object_origins[name], None, None, [name])
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 23, in ?
    from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseRequest
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 35, in ?
    from werkzeug.formparser import FormDataParser, default_stream_factory
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 16, in ?
    from functools import update_wrapper
ImportError: No module named functools


Traceback [3]

$ cygpath -w /

$ /usr/local/bin/python2.4.exe -V
Python 2.4.6

$ /usr/local/bin/python2.4.exe /cygdrive/f/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/wikis > out 2> err

$ cat out err
2012-07-21 14:30:23,271 INFO MoinMoin.log:126 using logging configuration read from "/cygdrive/f/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/wikiserverlogging.conf"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cygdrive/f/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/", line 35, in ?
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\", line 138, in run
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\", line 261, in mainloop
    plugin_class(args[2:], self.options).run() # all starts again there
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\", line 138, in run
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\script\server\", line 143, in mainloop
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\web\", line 138, in run_server
    application = make_application(shared=docs)
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\web\", line 82, in make_application
    from MoinMoin.wsgiapp import application
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\", line 14, in ?
    from MoinMoin.web.contexts import AllContext, Context, XMLRPCContext
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\web\", line 13, in ?
    from werkzeug import Headers, http_date, create_environ, redirect, abort
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 119, in __getattr__
    module = __import__(object_origins[name], None, None, [name])
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 23, in ?
    from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseRequest
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 34, in ?
    from werkzeug.urls import url_decode, iri_to_uri
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 15, in ?
    from werkzeug.wsgi import make_chunk_iter
  File "f:\PUBLIC_HTML\hoowiki\moin-1.9.4\MoinMoin\support\werkzeug\", line 18, in ?
    from zlib import adler32
ImportError: No module named zlib

Note: this is likely a wrongly compiled python interpreter, zlib support should be there.

Yes, this is a common issue with compiling python (same thing on linux): if you do not have zlib and zlib-dev headers installed, configure will see that it is not there and just build a python without zlib support. That works as long as you don't use zlib, but nowadays, such stuff is used rather often. Same thing may happen for some other libs.

Additional Warning re: Py 2.5 (unrelated to Windows 7)

Warning: page tells: "This release is the final release of Python 2.5; under the current release policy, no security issues in Python 2.5 will be fixed anymore."

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run "

set DRIVE=f
C:\bin\cygwin\bin\python2.6.exe /cygdrive/%DRIVE%/PUBLIC_HTML/hoowiki/moin-1.9.4/



Component selection


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

Windows 7

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)


RogerHaase replied:

I installed Python 2.6.5 and MoinMoin under Windows/7 in July 2010. As I recall, python does not get added to your system path automatically, so try adding python to your system path manually.

To test your python installation, you should be able to open a command window and do "python -V" from any directory.

Also start Python Idle and enter something simple like "2 + 2".

If you start over, just use the current 32-bit version python-2.7.3.msi. No need to try all the older versions or attempt to compile Python yourself.

If you have everything setup correctly, you will be able to open a command window, cd to the root of your wiki, and enter "python".

If you need more help, tell us what installation guides you are following and maybe a little about your setup (you have a drive F and compile Python yourself).

EvgeniyPhilippov replied:

  1. I added "python 2.7.3 for x86" to the start of Windows env var Path (this is a python distro from );

  2. "2+2" and abovementioned "import <...>" worked correctly;

  3. MoinMoin on my local wiki ran correctly.

It seems that MoinMoin (??? start) needs the python to be in Path (??? end). Alternatively, MoinMoin (??? start) might need "cd" (??? end).

I don't need more help, all works correctly now.

Thank you RogerHaase for a helpful reply!

(!) just a note, common python installation features on different platforms aren't our fault

Python 2.4 is not directly supported / tested any more since 1.9.4, see the note about that in docs/CHANGES). Nowadays, 2.4 (and even 2.5) is much too old anyways. Using 2.7 or 2.6 is recommended.

 * We recommend using Python 2.4.x or 2.5.x, if possible.
   * Python 2.6.x should also work, but is less tested.
 * Python 3.x (or Python older than 2.4) will not work for MoinMoin.

I followed this guide and please modify this guide with up-to-date installation instructions (e.g. please update versions of Python that are necessary to run MoinMoin.)

Oops, ok. Will do. -- ThomasWaldmann 2012-07-22 13:18:34

Dear Thomas, please tell here when you're completed with the install guide, so people will have a chance to cache the updated install guide page locally on their computers. ~~~~ EGP 2024-05-11 05:36:12



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/TroublesWithWindows7 (last edited 2012-07-22 13:35:22 by EvgeniyPhilippov)