Attachment ''


   1 ---	2005-12-28 20:20:39.332343072 +0100
   2 +++	2005-12-28 21:08:00.510418352 +0100
   3 @@ -662,6 +662,10 @@
   4                  attrs['valign'] = '"top"'
   5              elif key == 'v':
   6                  attrs['valign'] = '"bottom"'
   7 +            elif key == '=':
   8 +                arg = parser.get_token()
   9 +                this_key = (attrdef.split('='))[0]
  10 +                attrs[this_key] = arg
  11              elif key == '#':
  12                  arg = parser.get_token()
  13                  try:

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