
Desktop Edition gives error trying to email. Error message says missing library module smtplib.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Desktop Edition on Windows (W2K3, if it matters).

  2. Setup mail_from and mail_smarthost to some values that were rumored to work.
  3. Try to send Preferences info to self. Result = "ImportError: No module named smtplib"

I may well have done something stupid, but still it's an odd error message.

Experience level = raw newbie at MoinMoin, not Python-literate, but several decades system programmer.



Traceback attached.

MoinMoin Version

Desktop 1.5.0rc1-1b

OS and Version

Windows 2003 Service Pack 1

Python Version


Server Setup


Server Details




Nice that you want to use the DesktopEdition to send mails to you (it's expected to be used as a single user only ;-)).

The only thing that you need to do is to install the full Python from and install the DesktopEdition .zip file, then simply copy the wiki dir and wikiconfig to your new folder (where you extracted the zip) and start from there.

The reason is simple: I do not want to include smtplib in the self-contained version.

BTW, good to see that dell uses MoinMoin :-)

If you use this wiki not single user only it's better to use the multi user version.

(reply from the original whiner)

Thank you very much for the quick reply and guidance. Works much better now, thanks. Time to repair < ten minutes.

What I wanted was a zero-admin wiki, and MoinMoin comes as close as possible, I think. Wonderful. I really didn't want to have to install and administer Apache. So we are using it for a small wiki, couple hundred pages, dozen-ish users, not high traffic but high value to the group. Mail notification of page changes is an important feature.

We haven't had any problem with multiple users, given our small numbers. Are we likely to run into problems? I still don't want to install the real version under a real web server unless I have to. Too much like work.

BTW, this little Dellion loves MoinMoin. I recommend it to all my friends. :-)

I do not think that you will run into any problems. Apache is nice if you want to integrate MoinMoin into a public website etc., but it is not necessary. Similarly, MoinMoin DesktopEdition is not limited either, it is just preconfigured to have a simpler install for a standalone scenario.



I have the exact same problem. I'm not following the fix. 1. I installed the windows version of python 2.5.1 2. I installed MMDE version 1.5.5a-1 3. Am I supposed to then move the wiki directory and to the python installation directory?

How do I make the in the python installation to be visible in the MMDE install directory.

thx vs


MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/SmtplibImportErrorInDesktopEdition (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:32 by localhost)