Attachment 'traceback.txt'


   1 2009-07-29 22:46:02,462 ERROR MoinMoin.action.AttachFile:181 unsupported content object: None
   2 2009-07-29 22:46:02,462 ERROR MoinMoin.xmlrpc:153 An exception occurred (this is also sent as fault response to the client):
   3 Traceback (most recent call last):
   4   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/xmlrpc/", line 151, in process
   5     response = self.dispatch(method, params)
   6   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/xmlrpc/", line 191, in dispatch
   7     response = fn(self, *params)
   8   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/xmlrpc/", line 23, in execute
   9     mailimport.import_mail_from_string(request, mail)
  10   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/mail/", line 200, in import_mail_from_string
  11     return import_mail_from_message(request, email.message_from_string(string))
  12   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/mail/", line 248, in import_mail_from_message
  13     fname, fsize = add_attachment(request, pagename, fname,
  14   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/action/", line 210, in add_attachment
  15     _write_stream(filecontent, stream)
  16   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/xmlrpc/", line 182, in dispatch
  17     fn = getattr(self, 'xmlrpc_' + method)
  18 AttributeError: XmlRpc2 instance has no attribute 'xmlrpc_ProcessMail'

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  • [get | view] (2009-07-30 18:13:24, 2.4 KB) [[attachment:emailtrouble.eml]]
  • [get | view] (2009-07-30 16:50:17, 1.3 KB) [[attachment:traceback.txt]]
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