Attachment 'traceback.html'


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A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  1. /mounted-storage/home96b/sub007/sc60764-IOAM/www/MoinMoin/request/ in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object at 0xc45310>)

    1. 1309
    2. 1310 else:
    3. 1311 handler(, self)
    4. 1312
    5. 1313 # every action that didn't use to raise MoinMoinFinish must call this now:
    • handler = <function do_show at 0xce5ed8>
    • self = <MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object at 0xc45310>
    • = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object at 0xd36790>
    • = u'InlineLatex'
  2. /mounted-storage/home96b/sub007/sc60764-IOAM/www/MoinMoin/action/ in do_show (pagename=u'InlineLatex', request=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object at 0xc45310>, content_only=0, count_hit=1, cacheable=1, print_mode=0)

    1. 251 count_hit=count_hit,
    2. 252 print_mode=print_mode,
    3. 253 content_only=content_only,
    4. 254 )
    5. 255
    • content_only = 0
  3. /mounted-storage/home96b/sub007/sc60764-IOAM/www/MoinMoin/ in send_page (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object at 0xd36b10>, **keywords={'content_only': 0, 'count_hit': 1, 'print_mode': 0})

    1. 1199 format_args=pi['formatargs'],
    2. 1200 do_cache=do_cache,
    3. 1201 start_line=pi['lines'])
    4. 1202
    5. 1203 # check for pending footnotes
    • start_line undefined
    • pi = {'acl': < instance at 0xe78248>, 'format': u'inline_latex', 'formatargs': u'scale_factor=3, mathtran_server=', 'language': 'da', 'lines': 1}
  4. /mounted-storage/home96b/sub007/sc60764-IOAM/www/MoinMoin/ in send_page_content (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object at 0xd36b10>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object at 0xc45310>, body=u"\n$ \\alpha $ is '''alpha'''\n", format=u'inline_latex', format_args=u'scale_factor=3, mathtran_server=', do_cache=1, **kw={'start_line': 1})

    1. 1280 # Load the parser
    2. 1281 Parser = wikiutil.searchAndImportPlugin(request.cfg, "parser", format)
    3. 1282 parser = Parser(body, request, format_args=format_args, **kw)
    4. 1283
    5. 1284 if not (do_cache and self.canUseCache(Parser)):
    • parser undefined
    • Parser = <class MoinMoin.parser.inline_latex.Parser at 0xfa8350>
    • body = u"\n$ \\alpha $ is '''alpha'''\n"
    • request = <MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object at 0xc45310>
    • format_args = u'scale_factor=3, mathtran_server='
    • kw = {'start_line': 1}
  5. /mounted-storage/home96b/sub007/sc60764-IOAM/www/MoinMoin/parser/ in __init__ (self=<MoinMoin.parser.inline_latex.Parser instance at 0xea2ea8>, raw=u"\n$ \\alpha $ is '''alpha'''\n", request=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object at 0xc45310>, **kw={'format_args': u'scale_factor=3, mathtran_server=', 'start_line': 1})

    1. 27 self.request = request
    2. 28 self.args = kw.get('format_args', '')
    3. 29 self.mathtran_parser = wikiutil.importPlugin(self.request.cfg, 'parser', 'text_x_mathtran', 'Parser')
    4. 30
    5. 31 def _latex_formula_repl(self, word, groups):
    • self = <MoinMoin.parser.inline_latex.Parser instance at 0xea2ea8>
    • self.mathtran_parser undefined
    • global wikiutil = <module 'MoinMoin.wikiutil' from '../MoinMoin/wikiutil.pyc'>
    • wikiutil.importPlugin = <function importPlugin at 0xa96d70>
    • self.request = <MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object at 0xc45310>
    • self.request.cfg = <wikiconfig.Config object at 0xc453d0>
  6. /mounted-storage/home96b/sub007/sc60764-IOAM/www/MoinMoin/ in importPlugin (cfg=<wikiconfig.Config object at 0xc453d0>, kind='parser', name='text_x_mathtran', function='Parser')

    1. 1114 return importWikiPlugin(cfg, kind, name, function)
    2. 1115 except PluginMissingError:
    3. 1116 return importBuiltinPlugin(kind, name, function)
    4. 1117
    5. 1118
    • global importBuiltinPlugin = <function importBuiltinPlugin at 0xa9b7d0>
    • kind = 'parser'
    • name = 'text_x_mathtran'
    • function = 'Parser'
  7. /mounted-storage/home96b/sub007/sc60764-IOAM/www/MoinMoin/ in importBuiltinPlugin (kind='parser', name='text_x_mathtran', function='Parser')

    1. 1136 """
    2. 1137 if not name in builtinPlugins(kind):
    3. 1138 raise PluginMissingError()
    4. 1139 moduleName = 'MoinMoin.%s.%s' % (kind, name)
    5. 1140 return importNameFromPlugin(moduleName, function)
    • global PluginMissingError = <class 'MoinMoin.wikiutil.PluginMissingError'>


  • args = ()
  • message = ''

System Details

  • Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 09:59:19 +0000
  • Platform: Linux node3 2.100.3-1-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Aug 17 19:29:29 CEST 2009 x86_64
  • Python: Python 2.5.2 (/usr/bin/python)
  • MoinMoin: Release 1.8.5 (release)

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