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'module' object has no attribute 'BytesIO'

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A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  1. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>)

    1. 1305 self.page.send_page()
    2. 1306 else:
    3. 1307 handler(self.page.page_name, self)
    4. 1308
    5. 1309 # every action that didn't use to raise MoinMoinFinish must call this now:
    • handler = <function execute at 0xba6bf72c>
    • self = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>
    • self.page = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object at 0xba54760c>
    • self.page.page_name = u'SundryResearch'
  2. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/action/userprefs.py in execute (pagename=u'SundryResearch', request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>)

    1. 93 return Page.Page(request, pagename).send_page()
    2. 94
    3. 95 text, title, msg_class, msg = _create_page(request)
    4. 96 if title:
    5. 97 # XXX: we would like to make "Settings" here a link back
    • text undefined
    • title undefined
    • msg_class undefined
    • msg undefined
    • global _create_page = <function _create_page at 0xba6bf64c>
    • request = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>
  3. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/action/userprefs.py in _create_page (request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>, cancel=False)

    1. 81
    2. 82 if not obj or not obj.allowed():
    3. 83 return _create_prefs_page(request), None, msg_class, msg
    4. 84
    5. 85 return obj.create_form(), obj.title, msg_class, msg
    • global _create_prefs_page = <function _create_prefs_page at 0xba6bf6bc>
    • request = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>
    • builtin None = None
    • msg_class = None
    • msg = None
  4. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/action/userprefs.py in _create_prefs_page (request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>, sel=None)

    1. 50 if sub in request.cfg.userprefs_disabled:
    2. 51 continue
    3. 52 cls = wikiutil.importPlugin(request.cfg, 'userprefs', sub, 'Settings')
    4. 53 obj = cls(request)
    5. 54 if not obj.allowed():
    • cls = <class 'MoinMoin.userprefs.notification.Settings'>
    • global wikiutil = <module 'MoinMoin.wikiutil' from '/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/wikiutil.pyc'>
    • wikiutil.importPlugin = <function importPlugin at 0xba353c34>
    • request = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object at 0xba54766c>
    • request.cfg = <wikiconfig.Config object at 0xba3ee2cc>
    • sub = 'oid'
  5. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py in importPlugin (cfg=<wikiconfig.Config object at 0xba3ee2cc>, kind='userprefs', name='oid', function='Settings')

    1. 1107 return importWikiPlugin(cfg, kind, name, function)
    2. 1108 except PluginMissingError:
    3. 1109 return importBuiltinPlugin(kind, name, function)
    4. 1110
    5. 1111
    • global importBuiltinPlugin = <function importBuiltinPlugin at 0xba353d14>
    • kind = 'userprefs'
    • name = 'oid'
    • function = 'Settings'
  6. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py in importBuiltinPlugin (kind='userprefs', name='oid', function='Settings')

    1. 1129 raise PluginMissingError
    2. 1130 moduleName = 'MoinMoin.%s.%s' % (kind, name)
    3. 1131 return importNameFromPlugin(moduleName, function)
    4. 1132
    5. 1133
    • global importNameFromPlugin = <function importNameFromPlugin at 0xba353d4c>
    • moduleName = 'MoinMoin.userprefs.oid'
    • function = 'Settings'
  7. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py in importNameFromPlugin (moduleName='MoinMoin.userprefs.oid', name='Settings')

    1. 1142 else:
    2. 1143 fromlist = [name]
    3. 1144 module = __import__(moduleName, globals(), {}, fromlist)
    4. 1145 if fromlist:
    5. 1146 # module has the obj for module <moduleName>
    • module undefined
    • builtin __import__ = <built-in function __import__>
    • moduleName = 'MoinMoin.userprefs.oid'
    • builtin globals = <built-in function globals>
    • fromlist = ['Settings']
  8. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/userprefs/oid.py in ()

    1. 12 import sha
    2. 13 try:
    3. 14 from MoinMoin.auth.openidrp import OpenIDAuth
    4. 15 from MoinMoin.util.moinoid import MoinOpenIDStore
    5. 16 from openid.consumer import consumer
    • MoinMoin undefined
    • OpenIDAuth undefined
  9. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/auth/openidrp.py in ()

    1. 6 @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
    2. 7 """
    3. 8 from MoinMoin.util.moinoid import MoinOpenIDStore
    4. 9 from MoinMoin import user
    5. 10 from MoinMoin.auth import BaseAuth
    • MoinMoin undefined
    • MoinOpenIDStore undefined
  10. /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/MoinMoin/util/moinoid.py in ()

    1. 12 from openid import oidutil
    2. 13 from openid.store.interface import OpenIDStore
    3. 14 from openid.association import Association
    4. 15 from openid.store import nonce
    5. 16
    • openid undefined
    • Association undefined
  11. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/openid/association.py in ()

    1. 38 from openid import kvform
    2. 39 from openid import oidutil
    3. 40 from openid.message import OPENID_NS
    4. 41
    5. 42 all_association_types = [
    • openid undefined
    • OPENID_NS undefined
  12. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/openid/message.py in ()

    1. 12 from openid import kvform
    2. 13 try:
    3. 14 ElementTree = oidutil.importElementTree()
    4. 15 except ImportError:
    5. 16 # No elementtree found, so give up, but don't fail to import,
    • ElementTree undefined
    • oidutil = None
    • oidutil.importElementTree undefined
  13. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/openid/oidutil.py in importElementTree (module_names=['lxml.etree', 'xml.etree.cElementTree', 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 'cElementTree', 'elementtree.ElementTree'])

    1. 56 for mod_name in module_names:
    2. 57 try:
    3. 58 ElementTree = __import__(mod_name, None, None, ['unused'])
    4. 59 except ImportError:
    5. 60 pass
    • ElementTree undefined
    • builtin __import__ = <built-in function __import__>
    • mod_name = 'lxml.etree'
    • builtin None = None
  14. /lxml.etree.pyx in lxml.etree (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:119415) ()


'module' object has no attribute 'BytesIO'

  • args = ("'module' object has no attribute 'BytesIO'",)
  • message = "'module' object has no attribute 'BytesIO'"

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