Attachment ''


   1 from MoinMoin.web.serving import make_application
   2 ## import the ISAPI WSGI glue
   3 import isapi_wsgi
   4 import sys
   5 from sys import exc_info
   6 from traceback import format_tb
   8 class ExceptionMiddleware(object):
   9 	"""The middleware we use."""
  11 	def __init__(self, app):
  12 = app
  14 	def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
  15 		"""Call the application can catch exceptions."""
  16 		appiter = None
  17 		# just call the application and send the output back
  18 		# unchanged but catch exceptions
  19 		try:
  20 			appiter =, start_response)
  21 			for item in appiter:
  22 				yield item
  23 		# if an exception occours we get the exception information
  24 		# and prepare a traceback we can render
  25 		except:
  26 			e_type, e_value, tb = exc_info()
  27 			traceback = ['Traceback (most recent call last):']
  28 			traceback += format_tb(tb)
  29 			traceback.append('%s: %s' % (e_type.__name__, e_value))
  30 			# we might have not a stated response by now. try
  31 			# to start one with the status code 500 or ignore an
  32 			# raised exception if the application already started one.
  33 			try:
  34 				start_response('500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
  35 			except:
  36 				pass
  37 			yield '\n'.join(traceback)
  39    # wsgi applications might have a close function. If it exists
  40    # it *must* be called.
  41 		if hasattr(appiter, 'close'):
  42 			appiter.close()
  44 # The entry points for the ISAPI extension.
  46 def __ExtensionFactory__():
  47 	#add path to sys.paht where can be found
  48 	sys.path.insert(0, 'c:/moin')
  49 	## new way to instantiate in 1.9
  50 	moinmoinApp = make_application(shared=True)
  51 	errorHandledApp=ExceptionMiddleware(moinmoinApp)
  52 	return isapi_wsgi.ISAPIThreadPoolHandler(errorHandledApp)
  54 ## Installation code
  55 if __name__=='__main__':
  56 	from isapi.install import *
  58 	# If run from the command-line, install ourselves.
  59 	params = ISAPIParameters()
  61 	sm = [ScriptMapParams(Extension="*", Flags=0)]
  63 	# Create a Virtual Directory per wiki
  64 	params.VirtualDirs = [	VirtualDirParameters(
  65 		#Server="mshost",
  66 		Name="wiki",
  67 		Description = "ISAPI-WSGI gateway for testwiki" ,
  68 		ScriptMaps = sm,
  69 		ScriptMapUpdate = "replace" )
  70 	]
  72 	HandleCommandLine(params)

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  • [get | view] (2012-05-02 12:20:55, 49.6 KB) [[attachment:iis_unhandled_exception.jpg]]
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