Attachment '_init_.diff'


   1 ---	2007-02-28 23:24:50.000000000 +0100
   2 +++	2007-02-28 23:32:02.000000000 +0100
   3 @@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@
   4                       editbar_actions.append(self.supplementation_page_nameLink(page))
   5               elif editbar_item == 'Comments':
   6                   # we just use <a> to get same style as other links: 
   7 -                 editbar_actions.append('<a id="toggleCommentsButton" onClick="toggleComments();">%s</a>' % _('Comments'))
   8 +                 editbar_actions.append('<a href="#" id="toggleCommentsButton" onClick="toggleComments();return false;">%s</a>' % _('Comments'))
   9               elif editbar_item == 'Edit':
  10                   editbar_actions.append(self.editorLink(page))
  11               elif editbar_item == 'Info':

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  • [get | view] (2007-02-28 23:07:59, 0.7 KB) [[attachment:_init_.diff]]
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