Sub Pages

Pages I was working on for MoinMoin (hope to rework on)

Some Background

I studied Translation and Interpretation (English-Spanish) but I never really liked it... I was too hyperactive so I could not sit for more than 2 hours. That happened until I gave Gnu/Linux a try. Now I spend many hours sitting in front of the computer.

As I did not like to translate I decided to help others learn English. I became a Teacher for private institutes and by teaching and doing lesson plans, I ended up needing technology closer to my daily routines, so I had to learn how to "design" some systems.

After I showed some of those systems to a couple of IT guys, I was invited to participate in small IT business. Little by little I felt more attracted to Free Technologies as very valid foundation to future modern societies.

MoinMoin is now maybe THE system I use the most, so I am willing to spend some hours translating it into Spanish.

The first things I'd Like To Do for MoinMoin

  1. Make some changes to spanish in es.po. I will not touch the english lines but some of them I think they can be improved.
  2. See if HelpContents pages are as KISS as they need to be, so newcomers feel at home with MoinMoin.

  3. Make HelpContents as KISS as they need to be. I may even end up doing some Step-By-Step examples.

  4. Translate HelpContents into Spanish. See SpanishTranslation and SpanishTranslation/SpanishEquivalents

  5. Motivate more people to use wikis, hopefully MoinMoin. See MoinMarketing.

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MoinMoin: MauricioHernandez (last edited 2009-02-13 13:09:53 by MauricioHernandez)