Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 """
   3     MoinMoin - WordCount Macro
   5     @copyright: 2004 by Walter Aprile (
   6     @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
   7 """
   9 ## This is my first macro!
  10 ## ... and it certainly shows ...
  11 ##
  12 ## Usage: [[WordCount]] display word count of the current page
  13 ##        [[WordCount(SummerInSiam)]] display word count of page SummerInSiam
  14 ##        [[WordCount(FrontPage, 500)]] display word count of FrontPage,
  15 ##        plus a message about the difference between the current world count
  16 ##        and the target world count of 500
  19 Dependencies = ["pages"]
  21 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
  22 import string, re
  24 def CountWords(Text):
  25     total = 0
  26     separator = re.compile(r"[' ,\.;:\-()]+")
  27     sepCount = len(separator.findall(line))
  28     return sepCount
  30 def execute(macro, args):
  31     targetLength = 0
  32     argv = string.split(args,",")
  33     # get list of pages and their objects
  34     if (args!=None):
  35         pagename = argv[0]
  36         if (len(argv)>1):
  37             targetLength = int(argv[1])
  38     else:
  39         pagename = macro.request.getPathinfo()[1:]
  40     page = Page(macro.request, pagename)
  41     body = page.get_raw_body()
  43     separator = re.compile(r"[' ,\.;:\-()]+")
  44     sepCount = len(separator.findall(body))
  46     result = []
  47     result.append(macro.formatter.paragraph(1))
  48     result.append("Word count for " + pagename + " is ")
  49     result.append(macro.formatter.strong(1))
  50     result.append(macro.formatter.text(str(sepCount)))
  51     result.append(macro.formatter.strong(0))
  52     if (targetLength):
  53         delta = sepCount - targetLength
  54         message = " exactly"
  55         if (delta > 0):
  56             message = macro.formatter.sup(1) + str(delta) + macro.formatter.sup(0) + " over count" 
  57         elif (delta <0):
  58             message = macro.formatter.sub(1) + str(abs(delta)) + macro.formatter.sub(0) + " to write"
  60         result.append(" (target is " + str(targetLength) + ", " + message + ")")
  61     result.append(macro.formatter.paragraph(0))
  63     return ''.join(result)

Attached Files

To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.
  • [get | view] (2005-02-19 16:10:42, 2.4 KB) [[]]
  • [get | view] (2005-02-17 15:43:36, 2.0 KB) [[]]
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