Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
   2 """
   3     MoinMoin - PDFIcon macro display a PDF icon which generate a PDF document
   5     This macro is display a picture which is a link to ?action=CreatePdfDocument to create
   6     a PDF document at once. The idear is to show a PDF ready page.
   8     Please visit the homepage for further informations:
  11     @copyright: 2006-2010  Raphael Bossek <>
  12     @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
  13 """
  15 __version__ = u'1.1.0'
  17 release_notes = """
  18 2009-03-01  RaphaelBossek
  19 * Release v1.1.0
  20 * NEW: Initial support for MoinMoin 1.9 (including 1.8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.5!) and CreatePdfDocument v2.4.1
  21 * NEW: Using PDF icon from MoinMoin homepage; change this
  22        with `pdficon_imageurl` configuration variable, e.g. '/icons/pdf.png'.
  23        Default:
  24 * NEW: Using the `pdficon_action` configuration variable you are
  25        able to define the name of the CreatePdfDocument action plugin.
  26        Default: CreatePdfDocument
  28 2007-08-15  RaphaelBossek
  29 * Release v1.0.5
  30 * Support for DOCBOOK (do not create any HTML content)
  32 2006-11-16  RaphaelBossek
  33 * Release v1.0.4
  34 * Fixed URL for sub-pages.
  36 2006-11-14  RaphaelBossek
  37 * Release v1.0.3
  38 * Moin 1.6 support added.
  40 2006-09-12  RaphaelBossek
  41 * Release v1.0.2
  42 * Use the same workding for link description as the action macro. The same translation
  43               for both can be used.
  45 2006-09-06  RaphaelBossek
  46 * Release v1.0.1
  47 * Update to new action name, CreatePdfDocument
  49 2006-08-31  RaphaelBossek
  50 * Initial release v1.0.0
  51 """
  53 import re
  54 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
  55 from MoinMoin.version import release as moinmoin_release
  56 if moinmoin_release[:4] in ['1.5.', '1.6.', '1.7.', '1.8.']:
  57     class Version:
  58         def __init__(self, version):
  59             VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<release>\d+)(-(?P<additional>.+))?", re.VERBOSE)
  60             match = VERSION_RE.match(version)
  61             v = match.groupdict()
  62             self.major = int(v['major'])
  63             self.minor = int(v['minor'])
  64             self.release = int(v['release'])
  65     moinmoin_version = Version(moinmoin_release)
  66 else:
  67     # Since MoinMoin 1.9
  68     moinmoin_version = wikiutil.Version(version=moinmoin_release)
  71 def is_moinmoin_version_eqless(major, minor):
  72     return moinmoin_version.major <= major and moinmoin_version.minor <= minor
  75 def merge_form_query(request):
  76     """
  77     This function intent to unifiy the way MoinMoin 1.9 differenciante
  78     between form and query key/value pairs.
  79     Since MoinMoin 1.9 key/value pairs are stored it two different dictonaries:
  80      -- key/value which are set by query/url are within request.values 
  81      -- key/value which are set by from are within request.form
  82     Until MoinMoin 1.8 key/value paires are stored only within request.form. Also
  83     values are arrays; we use only the first array entry.
  84     """
  85     ret = {}
  86     if is_moinmoin_version_eqless(1,8):
  87         for k,v in request.form.iteritems():
  88             ret[k] = v[0]
  89     else:
  90         # Since MoinMoin 1.9 werkzeug.datastructures.dict is used as datatype.
  91         for k,v in request.form.iteritems():
  92             ret[k] = v
  93         # Sine MoinMoin 1.9 self.request.values is of type CombinedMultiDict
  94         for k,v in request.values.iteritems():
  95             ret[k] = v
  96     return ret
  99 def execute(macro, args):
 100     if not getattr(macro.request.cfg, u'pdficon_imageurl', None):
 101         #macro.request.cfg.pdficon_imageurl = u'/icons/pdf.png'
 102         macro.request.cfg.pdficon_imageurl = u''
 103     if not getattr(macro.request.cfg, u'pdficon_action', None):
 104         macro.request.cfg.pdficon_action = u'CreatePdfDocument'
 106     form_wrapper = merge_form_query(macro.request)
 107     if is_moinmoin_version_eqless(1,5):
 108         is_print = form_wrapper.get(u'action', u'') == u'print' \
 109                  or (form_wrapper.get(u'action', u'') == macro.request.cfg.pdficon_action \
 110                      and form_wrapper.get(u'generate', u'') == u'1')
 111     else:
 112         # Since MoinMoin 1.6
 113         is_print = macro.request.action == u'print'\
 114                  or (macro.request.action == macro.request.cfg.pdficon_action \
 115                      and form_wrapper.get(u'generate', u'') == u'1')
 117     if not is_print:
 118         if is_moinmoin_version_eqless(1,6):
 119             url = macro.request.getQualifiedURL() + macro.request.getPathinfo()
 120         else:
 121             # Since MoinMoin 1.7
 122             url = macro.request.getQualifiedURL() +
 123         url = url + u'?action=%(action)s&generate=1' % ({'action': macro.request.cfg.pdficon_action})
 124         return macro.formatter.rawHTML(u'<div style="float:right;"><a href="%s"><img src="%s" style="margin:.3em 0;" title="%s" border="0" /></a></div>\n' % (url, macro.request.cfg.pdficon_imageurl, macro.request.getText(u'Create Pdf Document'),))
 125     return u''

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