Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 """
   3 MoinMoin - IMG Macro
   5 Creates an image with optional link.
   7 Usage:
   9     [[IMG(src)]] - create an image using src url
  11     [[IMG(src, href)]] - create an image using src, linkinng to href
  13 This macro is useful when your image url does not use the common format
  14 like png, gif or jpg, or created dynamically by another script, like
  15 src=""
  17 @copyright: 2005 by Josselin Mouette, Nir Soffer
  18 @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
  19 """
  21 Dependencies = []
  23 def execute(macro, args):
  24     # Check arguments, return raw markup for bad call
  25     if args == None:
  26         return macro.formatter.text('[[IMG]]')
  27     arguments = [item.strip() for item in args.split(',')]
  28     # It does not make sense to call with empty argument for this script
  29     if len(arguments) > 2 or '' in arguments:
  30         return macro.formatter.text('[[IMG(%s)]]' % args)
  32     # Render a link with an image or just an image
  33     f = macro.formatter
  34     try:
  35         src, href = arguments
  36         return f.url(1, href) + f.image(src=src) + f.url(0)
  37     except ValueError:
  38         src = arguments[0]
  39         return f.image(src=src)

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