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   1 #format python
   2 """
   3 MoinMoin macro to specify columns
   5 ark  06/14/04  0.1
   7     ***********
   8     by Antti Kuntsi <>
  10     As far as the author is concerned, this code is released to the public
  11     domain, but some restrictions in the MoinMoin COPYING file may apply. Ask a
  12     lawyer.
  13     ***********
  14     This code has not been tested exhaustively. Use at your own risk.
  15     ***********
  17     This macro generates containers, that can be used with CSS to create
  18     columns.
  20     Usage:
  21         [[Columns(mode,name,keywordargs)]]
  23         mode            start, next or end.
  25         name            Name of the div id. <div id="name">
  27         keywordargs     Zero or more key="value" arguments for the HTML div
  28                         tag.
  30     Examples:
  32         [[Columns(start, leftcolumn)]]
  33                 This text is in the left column.
  34         [[Columns(next, rightcolumn)]]
  35                 This text is in the right column.
  36         [[Columns(end)]]
  38    requires class definitions in CSS for the used column names, eg
  40 #leftcolumn {
  41         position: relative;
  42         background: transparent;
  43         float: left;
  44         width: 45%;
  45         border-right: 1px solid gray;
  46         padding-left: 5%;
  47         padding-right: 1%;
  48         margin: 0px;
  49 }
  51 #rightcolumn {
  52         position: relative;
  53         background: transparent;
  54         float: right;
  55         width: 42%;
  56         padding-right: 1%;
  57         margin: 0px;
  58 }
  61     Demo. Try pasting the above examples into a MoinMoin sandbox page and the
  62     current CSS.
  65 """
  68 import string
  69 from MoinMoin import wikiutil, config
  74 def execute(macro, args):
  75     '''handle the Columns Macro. return the generated display HTML'''
  76     # parse the arguments
  77     if args==None:
  78         args = ''
  79     parseargs = _parse_arguments(args, ',', '"')
  80     #print parseargs, '<BR>'
  81     if len(parseargs)<1:
  82         return '<p><strong class="error">Columns macro must have at least one argument!</strong></p>'
  83     if parseargs[0] not in ("start", "next", "end"):
  84         return '<p><strong class="error">Unknown mode "<i>%s</i>"!</strong></p>'%(parseargs[0])
  85     mode = parseargs[0]
  87     if mode != "end":
  88         classname = parseargs[1].strip()
  89     else:
  90         classname=""
  91     kwargs = _parse_keyword_arguments(parseargs[2:], DEFAULT_KEYWORD_ARGS)
  92     # generate a string containing the keyword arguments
  93     kwstring = ''
  94     for key in kwargs.keys():
  95         kwstring = '%s %s="%s"'%(kwstring, key, kwargs[key])
  96     # generate a string specifying the location of the image
  97     divtag=""
  98     if mode in ("end", "next"):
  99             divtag += '</div>'
 100 	    if mode == "end":
 101 	    	divtag += '<br clear="both">'
 102     if mode in ("start", "next"):
 103             divtag += '<div id="%s"%s>'%(classname, kwstring)
 104     # combine target location, image location, and keyword arguments into HTML IMG tag
 105     result=[macro.formatter.paragraph(0),
 106     	macro.formatter.rawHTML(divtag),
 107 	macro.formatter.paragraph(1)
 108 	]
 110     return "".join(result)
 113 def _parse_arguments(argstring, delimchar=',', quotechar='"'):
 114     '''parse argstring into separate arguments originally separated by delimchar.
 115     occurrences of delimchar found within quotechars are ignored.
 116     This parser is not particularly elegant. Improvements are welcome.
 117     jjk  03/28/01'''
 118     # replace delimiters not in quotes with a special delimiter
 119     delim2 = chr(0)
 120     inquote = 0
 121     for i1 in range(len(argstring)):
 122         cchar = argstring[i1]
 123         if cchar==quotechar:
 124             inquote = not inquote
 125         elif (not inquote) and cchar==delimchar:
 126             argstring = argstring[:i1] + delim2 + argstring[i1+1:]
 127     # split the argument string on the special delimiter, and remove external quotes
 128     args = string.split(argstring, delim2)
 129     for i1 in range(len(args)):
 130         arg = args[i1]
 131         if arg[:1]==quotechar and arg[-1:]==quotechar:
 132             args[i1] = arg[1:-1]
 133     return args
 136 def _parse_keyword_arguments(raw_kw_args=[], default={}):
 137     '''given a list of 'key=value' and/or 'key="value"',
 138     answer a dictionary of {key:value}
 139     jjk  03/28/01'''
 140     kwargs = {}
 141     kwargs.update(default)
 142     for keyvalstr in raw_kw_args:
 143         keyval = string.split(keyvalstr, '=')
 144         if len(keyval)==0:
 145             continue
 146         elif len(keyval)==1:
 147             key = keyval[0]
 148             value = ''
 149         elif len(keyval)==2:
 150             key = keyval[0]
 151             value = keyval[1]
 152         elif len(keyval)>2:
 153             key = keyval[0]
 154             value = string.join(keyval[1:],'=')
 155         if value[:1]=='"':
 156             value = value[1:]
 157         if value[-1:]=='"':
 158             value = value[:-1]
 159         kwargs[string.lower(key)] = value
 160     return kwargs
 163 def _is_URL(aString):
 164     '''answer true if aString is a URL.
 165     The method used here is pretty dumb. Improvements are welcome.
 166     jjk  03/28/01'''
 167     return string.find(aString, '://')>0

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