Jabber/XMPP support in MoinMoin

This page describes the idea behind and progress on implementation of Jabber/XMPP support for MoinMoin, being developed as a GoogleSoc2007 project by KarolNowak. You can read the original application information here.

Setting up

See here HelpOnNotification.

Planned features

This is the original list of proposed features. Feel free to add your own ideas here as comments.

/!\ Since jabber supports various so-called "transports" to other IM networks, it should be fairly easy to extend the above functionality to other means of communication.

This functionality is going to be implemented in a stand-alone daemon (possibly automatically launched along with Moin). A simple notification protocol for wiki-daemon communication will be developed (or an existing one adopted). There are quite a few reasons that make me believe that it is the right way to do it:

Email change notification should probably be moved out to such a daemon as well. --FredDrake


This section summarises development done so far (completion status for planned milestones).

XMLRPC communication details

Method names sent from jabber bot to a wiki instance will, generally, be the same as specified in XmlRpcToWiki.

ACL discussion

With the new event handling and notification system, an issue with access control emerges. Notifications (via Jabber/XMPP) are meant to help maintaining a wiki instance, thus they will provide a information about various changes and processes. Let's name a few:

It's obvious, that some of them are meant for public, and some only for selected users and administrators. What's important from ACL point of view:

A question of granularity: should access control be applied to individual events (PageChanged, SubscribedToPage, UserCreated, etc), or to the whole classes? In the second case, it will be easy to add a few actions controlled by ACLs, using currently available syntax.

In the first case, however, listing all events one is interested in may be troublesome because of number of events one may be interested in, no?

The question is: which solution is preferred?

(Note that subscribing to events, user-side, is a separate issue)


Week-by-week log of activities related to this project.

Related pages

MoinMoin: JabberSupport (last edited 2010-09-08 21:31:10 by MarcelHäfner)