/!\ Copied "as is" from http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MoinDocBookProject/Bugs

Please add any bugs you find to this page. Also feature requests should be added here. Also provide a link to the complete problem description.

If a bug has been fixed, I'll add a (./) to it, and move it to the end of the list

Bugs with macros

As macros will probably need to be special cased handling, not all macros will be automatically supported. If you feel you want support for a macro, please add it to the list.

Invalid output from single page

Any single page that doesn't contain macros should render as valid Docbook without losing any information. If this is not the case with some page, please add the bug here.

MoinMoin: DocBook/Bugs (last edited 2007-10-29 19:11:33 by localhost)